I went for a walk today

September 6th 2024

The sun shone today! No, really, it was there when I woke up and it's still out there now, in fact, I think all clouds have been banished for the day at least. About bliddy time I say! SO Summer is on a Friday this year Wink

SO, I got up, got dressed (shower later) and off up the road. It feels like a long time since I went for one of my 'walks with a camera', I do carry a camera on almost all walks but this one I couldn't imagine going without one, there's always something and today was no exception.

There was a bit of a chill in the air when I got there and set off walking at 08:14, sun still shining but I put a fleece on, it can be breezy up here and better safe than sorry, or freezing. Laughing

I started my watch, for my steps and BirdTrack to log anything I might see. I'd logged a decent few on. the drive here, a family of young Red-legged Partridge, a Barn Owl, in its nest box, a Red Kite and a Buzzard. Lots of LBJs but I couldn't see which.

Out of the car in the car park and a pair? of Robins started performing on the wall, I'd guess male & female, there was no aggression at all but lots of posturing. 


Over in a flash as they headed for the woods on the other side of the road. 

There were a couple of Cormorants resting up in the usual spot but it was the activity on the road that caught my eye; several small birds flitting around from road to fence and back.

There were Meadow Pipits and Grey and Pied Wagtails. The wagtails were bobbing off into the distance as soon as I appeared but the Pipits hung around a bit longer.


Caught a bonus Wood Pigeon as well, there must be millions of them up here.

I headed up the trail and quickly realised it was going to be way too warm for my fleece so I stopped in the shade of some trees and stripped that off, round my waist where I can forget about it.

There are a few areas with mixed shrubs alongside the trail where I try to remember to stop, listen and wait, I'm terrible for just walking on. It is a walk I'm out for after all but I'm carrying a camera for a reason Thinking

Sure enough, there was quite a bit of activity in and around the bushes.

I played hide and seek with a young Dunnock for a while, noting other birds around but enjoying getting shots of this young one. 


There were several Coal Tits hopping around in the upper branches but something else caught my eye. 

So. What IS this? A young Warbler, yes. 


I heard a couple of Chiffchaffs up there, no Willow Warblers?


Anyone like to offer up an ID? 


I'm going to break this thread up a bit by ending there ...... for now. I was totally chuffed already to have got the shots above but there was more to come. A lot more Wink

I think Chiffchaff. Anyone?