First Leighton Moss Visit

We made our first visit to Leighton Moss in May, stopped over on our drive up for a week on Mull eagle watching.

We've been visiting Minsmere for decades and never spotted an Otter, first visit to Leighton Moss and we see our first Otter in the wild in the UK.

Unfortunately it was quite a distance from the hide but could see it had caugh a fish I think. Not the best of pics but at least a record.

we also had great sightings of osprey, although still distant for a small camera.

Overall a great first visit with other sightings of Marsh Harrier, Heron, Warblers & Duck.

  • As I said in my post PB, been visiting Minsmere for decades and never seen one, first visit to LM and sighting, all about right place right time. We fitted our visit in on our drive upto Mull also stopping at a few NT properties not visited before. We drove up the west side from home and drove back down the east coast on the way home stopping at RSPB Frampton Marsh and a few more NT properties. Neither reserves are close enough to visit and back in a day.

  • Thanks Mike, I was disappointed with the pictures but at least we have a record of our visit.