Slimbridge 26th May

First off some Moorhen chicks

Then some more chicks in the form of Shelducks

Four aggressive male coots in a territorial dispute!

And finally onto the hides. A Cuckoo was heard around. Little Grebe, Shelduck, Barnacle Geese and Greylag Geese were in the hides but too far to photograph. Then on the way back in a different hide, I saw a lifer that was one of my favourite birds: Pied Avocets!

I think one or too were nesting but I was more focused on watching them feed. They are one of the few waders that actually wade. 

Then another wader flew in. It was an oystercatcher and the closest one I'd ever seen. 

And finishing with a Shelduck.

There was a Bluethroat and Common Cranes on the sight, both amazing species I hadn't seen, but we only had an hour and I went the wrong way. Still, that was a lot for one hour!