I just thought I would make a list on my favourite birdwatching sites in the UK. Some of them are so appealing to me I visit them many times over during the year
RSPB Lakenheath Fen
I consider this location the best birdwatching site in my region, with a variety of rare and appealing species. Currently my target for this year on the reserve is the cuckoo, and I still have a sliver of hope golden orioles will return.
My bird list from the reserve, I have seen the ones except those for which the dates are given many times, and only focus on them and as a result miss many smaller stuff on purpose:
Red-footed falcon female 31/05/2018
Montagu's harrier male 26/05/2019
Common Crane
Water Rail
Marsh harrier
Hen harrier
Hobby falcon
Barn owl
Bearded reedling
Pike fish
Weeting Heath NNR
The best site for stone-curlew that I know of, which can be reliably observed. Other species that can occur are green woodpecker, normal curlew, little and long-eared owls, and there have been sightings of goshawks in nearby woods
Birds which I have seen at Weeting Heath:
Red-legged partridge
Eurasian curlew
Wicken Fen NNR
Reknown for rare orchids in the summer and a hen harrier roost in the winter, this might be the best example of what was once the Fens. A logpile at Priory Farm is a very reliable site for little owl, whilst the area known as Burwell Fen often has short-eared owls in the winter
Birds which I have seen at Wicken Fen NNR:
Short-eared owl
A surprising wealth of wildlife can be found in the city. Cambridge has 3 of the 210 rivers classed as chalk streams globally. Interesting birdlife and rare orchids in the summer. Most of my wildlife-watching has been here, and I've seen scarce species and even vagrants such as glossy ibis. I know now that Cambridge has 2 pairs of peregrine falcons, at least 5 pairs of sparrowhawks, 2-3 pairs of tawny owls, 1 pair of barn owls . Beechwoods NNR is a good place for the rare white helleborine orchid. In the spring the sight of hundreds of toads and frogs crossing Burnside to breed at Cherry Hinton brook is astonishing
Birds and other wildlife I have seen in Cambridge:
Glossy ibis
Little egret
Grey heron
Green woodpecker
GS woodpecker
Red kite
Tawny owl
Common frog
Common toad
White helleborine orchid
Bee orchid
Common spotted orchid