First visit to Trimley Marshes of 2018 - and the sun came out!

What a strange day it has been.  It was a cold and gloomy morning ......... until it suddenly brightened up and we found ourselves enjoying a sunny afternoon.  It seemed a good idea to head to Trimley to make the most of this miracle:

Trimley is separated from the River Orwell by the public footpath.  We climbed up to it and saw these three avocets!

This redshank had positioned itself neatly between the two black-headed gulls.

We only visited one hide - the Woodgate, overlooking the reservoir.  This gave us a lovely view of various ducks, including this shoveler.

A flotilla of mallards.

There were lots of coots about, including one which spent the whole time we were there dozing next to the hide!

In the pool behind the hide there was only one bird - this beautiful redshank.

This, sadly, was the closest pochard!

The tufted duck was a little more co-operative.

This female mallard demonstrates the sheer joy of bathing.

'What's an angel?'

A female tufted duck comes up for air.

These gadwalls are getting along swimmingly!

Scarpering seems like the right thing to do.

Look what Limpy spotted in the distance .......... a stunning buzzard.

It didn't stay for long but we were happy to see it anyway!

As always I hope you enjoy these.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.