Hello everyone.
Is there anyone in or around the Rhondda that can give me some advice on places to visit etc. I have had some good sightings of various species over the past few weeks but need help.....
Thanks Gareth
try - http://www.fatbirder.com/links_geo/europe/wales_rhondda_cynon_taf_county_borough.html
For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides, binoculars, scopes, tripods, etc - put 'Birding Tips' into the search box
Hi Gareth,
I just wanted to say welcome to the forum.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
I assume you have David Saunders ' where to watch birds in Wales ' ??
Hello from me Gareth. Some good advice from Seymour for you. Hope to hear more from you.