RSPB Bempton Cliffs - Gannets

A long awaited return visit to Bempton on monday was a little disappointing in terms of the photo opportunities with my camera and equipment!

It had been such a long time since my last visit as it is a fair distance to travel, a 190 mile round trip!

I had only vague memories and wasn't sure if my camera and equipment would capture the photo's I was hoping to take. I just couldn't remember the veiw points and distances away from the birds! 

I can only imagine if you had equipment running into the thousands of pounds bracket and huge lenses or the digiscoping market, you would have been able to take photo's of the colonies on the cliffs!

I saw Puffins x 2 thanks to a kind chap who let me use his scope, Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes and Shags but the were at such distances that my camera and lens were totally inadequate. 

Also my bins struggled at times to seperate some species on the sea!

The point I'm making is if you want to get close up and personal then you need better equipment than mine LOL

I did have a great day albeit was freezing and overcast!

I did manage a few shots of the Gannets!!!






 The last two photo's were fully zoomed and have been cropped several times.

The distances of the colonies are severel hundred feet below on the cliff edges, I recall a discussion several months ago started by davidmelville asking about were to take photo's of Puffins. Farne Islands is still the best place in my opinion!

As you can see I didn't manage any at Bempton, I'm sure many of the visitors that go to Bempton will capture brilliant shots even if they don't have all the equipment!

It is a truelly magnificent site to visit and to witness the spectacle of thousands of sea bird colonies is one not to be missed.

I recorded 42 species, which was rather pleasing.

Regards Buzzard

Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Hi Paul, not a daft question at all!

    It all depends on what level of photo you want! Landscape, Close up and Personal etc!

    I was relatively lucky with the Gannets, been between 30 - 50ft. I was close enough to get the shots I did.

    If they were on the cliff faces / nests or out at sea then I think it would have been somewhat restricted and I personally think the camera would have been better left in the car!

    Also as you are on top of the colonies looking down it makes the angles challenging!

    I didn't notice to many photographers amongs't the dozens of birders!

    The only people I saw taking photo's were the ones stood next to me, capturing the Gannets taking nesting materials!

    These photo's been taken away from the main view points!!

    I'm certain a 400mm lens will produce some quality shots, if you can get a single bird in the frame at a reasonable distance.

    The view points are well spaced apart so there is a bit of walking involved. The views from them to the cliffs vary, ranging from 50ft - 150ft digiscoping maybe a better option but again the quality of the shot will be affected.

    Regards Buzzard 


    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Thanks for that Buzzard :o)

    Having never been before its all new to me!

  • Hi there buzzard, some great shots of the Gannets, I have never been to Bempton must make the trip over there some time. I am off to land on the Bass Rock in June to photograph the gannets and really looking forward to it. Gary

  • puffin said:
    I am off to land on the Bass Rock in June to photograph the gannets and really looking forward to it. Gary

    Hi Gary, you will certainly have a great time on Bass Rock. 

    Your photography is first class and some of your photo's are truelly stunning.  I often have a look at your site to check what you have been upto.

    Really appreciate your comments, thankyou.

    I know that equipment is everything! But I wish I had the money available to purchase some of your kit!!!

    I'm going to make a return to the Farnes, hopefully I will get some better shots of the birds having now updated my camera.

    Bestwishes, drop me a note on your visit to Bass Rock.

    Regards Buzzard


    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Hi Buzzard

    the equipment isnt everything but it certainly helps, your right it does come at a cost and it has took me quite a few years to get together the kit, but I am really enjoying it now. really looking forward to getting on the Bass Rock, and looking at other peoples experiences I wont need the big lens as the birds are that close. Good luck on the Farnes, I went last year and is certainly one of my lifetime best birding experiences, hoping to make it again this summer. have you been to the Bass Rock?


  • Hi Gary,

    yes I have been several times but again many years ago.

    I just hope the weather is in your favour.

    I don't have any photo's as I went before the age of digital and my interest in taking photo's. I may have to put it on my list of return visits!

    Regards Buzzard

    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Hi Buzzard

    Thats the only thing I am worried about, the weather, and it stopping us landing on the Rock, but I am going at the end of June and fingers crossed it is ok. I'll let you know!


  • Hi Puffin

    You will have a brilliant time on Bass Rock. I went there quite some years ago (like Buzzard, in the days of the film cameras), and the colony has grown significantly since then. Many of the nests are right next to the path you will be walking along. You will certainly have no need for a long lens to get some stunning close-ups. Look forward to seeing some of them here later in the summer.

  • Hi Paul E

    Bempton Cliffs is well worth the trip, and depending where you are coming from, there are other great places en route for birding and photography to make your long journey more worthwhile.

    Did you know that there are 17 gannetries in the UK, of which only Bempton Cliffs and Troup Head are on mainland. Bempton has also got one of the biggest kittiwake colonies in the country, as well as the myriad of other seabirds. The boat trip is well worth doing - you will get a very different view from the sea level.

    Unknown said:

    I've always wanted to go to Bempton Cliffs and was considering going the first week in May when I'm off work (there's also a cruise and I'm considering that too).  The distance for me is a great one - 153 miles just to get there!