A Few Hours In Regent's Park (Part One) EDIT WITH ID's 07-11-13

This morning I took what was supposed to be a short stroll through Regent's Park. It ended up taking about 3 hours or so. There were many species of waterfowl to be seen, several of which I am struggling to ID. Incidentally, it has taken longer to get the ID's that I do have than it took to walk around the lakes! There are so many photos, so I'll split the postings into about 5 parts. Some of the ID's might be incorrect as there are many 'ornamental' ducks there, so I will rely upon the resident experts to correct the mistakes (or fill in the gaps) as appropriate.

1.My research tells me this is a Fulvous Whistling Duck (CORRECT)


3.Is this a Rosy Billed Pochard? YES



6.Female Tufted duck? (YES)

7.I think the bird in the foreground is a Shelduck (COMMON SHELDUCK), as for the other one...(RED BREASTED GOOSE)

8.I'm going for Pink Footed Goose (at the back) (YES), can't tell with the nearest one. (BARNACLE GOOSE)

9.Male (NORTHERN) Pintail

10.Are these 'Domestic' Geese? (ROSS'S GOOSE)

11.Red Headed Pochards (M/F) (RED CRESTED POCHARDS)

12.Egyptian Goose (YES)

13.Not the most flattering view, but I was unable to view this one from any other angle. Could it be the same species as the unknown bird with the Shelduck? (YES, RED BREASTED GOOSE)

14.Again, not a flattering angle. Goose or Duck? (ROSS'S GOOSE)

15.I'm sure I should know this one. A female, but what species? (FEMALE COMMON POCHARD)


This (CAROLINA) Wood Duck was just a few feet away from a group of Mallards. It was continually making what can only be described as 'squeaking' noises at the Mallards and the occasional passing Moorhen.

Mallards! Keep your distance!


That's better


17.The same Coot with the same female that I couldn't ID earlier (FEMALE COMMON POCHARD)

The Odd Couple!

18.? (SMEW - DRAKE)

19.Female Smew? (YES)

20.Female Pochard? (YES)

21.Pintails (YES)

22.Tufted Duck (YES)

23.Pochard (YES)

24.Chestnut (BREASTED) Teal

I'll edit the other three postings in order.



Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

(One bush does not shelter two Robins)

Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)