Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers


Hi there

Has anyone seen Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers in their local area?

I have had a look at the population in my area of Bedford for interest.

This information is on the website about Putnoe Local Nature Reserve and this is what I found.

Title of document shown where information was found

Bedfordshire and Luton Biodiversity Action Plan
"The Red Data Book"
Rare and Threatened Species in Bedfordshire
and Luton
Bedfordshire and Luton Biodiversity Action Plan
"The Red Data Book"
Last Updated 2001

Comments about Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers

Dendrocopos minor Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
An uncommon resident of woodlands, appearing to show a preference for mature willows and alders
along river valleys and around lakes. The annual breeding population was estimated at between 250 and
500 pairs in the early 1990’s but is thought now to be under 50 pairs. Occurring in 1988-92 at 90 (24%)
tetrads. The breeding population is declining dramatically.

Interesting read and it shows how tree species have a strong influence on where Lesser Spots live

As well as Oaks, there are a lot of Hazels in Putnoe LNR too!

Must have another look in the next few weeks and see how the wood area is recovering, and see if the Woodpeckers are out and about once more

Kathy and Dave

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  • Hi Blackbird...

    where i am theres lots of lesser spotted woodpeckers and they turn up daliy in our garden to visit the feeders we have put up.... i have a old post about 7 feet hight that i have drill small holes into up two sides.... theses holes i fill with a  mixer of nuts and seed, sunflower and peanuts do well.... i then find that within minutes the woodys turn up... if you find me on flickr you can see pictures of theses woodys.......

    the importance thing here is to keep the feed there for them, even when they are breeding as they'll still turn up as they did last year in the breeding period.......

    Derek ( Kestrel)

    dont just look enjoy and leave for others to share after you. we dont own the earth we just rent a small part of it....

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 17/03/2010 02:57 in reply to Kestrel ( Derek)

    hi Derek

    Love to see your Lesser Spots.  I cannot get over the size of them they are the size of a Sparrow.  Mini GSW me's.

    Never knew that they acquired a taste  for birdfood (mind you all birds do if they get a chance to get free food)

    Please could you post flickr pictures as I would love to see your woody friends {big smile}


    Kathy and Dave

  • Unknown said:

    Hi Blackbird...

    where i am theres lots of lesser spotted woodpeckers and they turn up daliy in our garden to visit the feeders we have put up.... i have a old post about 7 feet hight that i have drill small holes into up two sides.... theses holes i fill with a  mixer of nuts and seed, sunflower and peanuts do well.... i then find that within minutes the woodys turn up... if you find me on flickr you can see pictures of theses woodys.......

    the importance thing here is to keep the feed there for them, even when they are breeding as they'll still turn up as they did last year in the breeding period.......

    Derek ( Kestrel)



    I looked on your site-  there are 3  nice photos of a Great Spotted Woodpecker (showing red undertail) on a log feeder and a peanut feeder . I can't find any Lesser Spot photos :(





    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box



    Lesser Spots have really dclined everywhere-  I know of only 3 sites in Norfolk :(((


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • I've never seen a lesser spotted woodpecker

    Best wishes Chris

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 17/03/2010 04:49 in reply to Woodpecker

    According to what people have said on the RSPB Forum,

    Lesser spots are rare to see as a species.

    Now that takes a little bit of thinking here


    Kathy and Dave

  • I've got one Great who occasionally turns up in the garden, but no Lessers of course.

    Today I heard what I thought was a very retarded woodpecker, as the drumming was so slow... before I realised it was a blue tit pecking round the hole of a nest box!!!

    Good luck in your quest, Kathy - let us know if you find one.


  • Hi Kathy

    I'm sure that you're going to find one and post us a pic soon.

    Please let me be able to see it when you do.

    Best wishes Chris

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Never seen one either unfortunately. Will have to see if there are any 'strongholds' in Shropshire!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 17/03/2010 18:29 in reply to Woodpecker

    Hi Chris

    I will have a look at my Putnoe patch soon, and see if the Lesser Spots are there.

    Love to get a picture of one - though they are tiny liittle birds


    Kathy and Dave

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