An Afternoon at Dinton Pastures

Lavell's Lake at Dinton Pastures Country Park in Berkshire is my local nature reserve. It's in an area of  restored gravel pits which can be quite a good place for water birds especially in winter. However, this season it has been quite poor due to a combination of flooding and frozen water surfaces. Last week I couldn't get to the hide because the access path was flooded.

So it was more in hope than expectation that yesterday (Mon) afternoon that I thought I'd have another try. For the first time in weeks the bund enclosing the teal scrape was visible above the water. Even so at first glance there didn't seem to be much about.

An Egyptian Goose was the most prominent bird present. I know it's not a native bird but it's still quite attractive.

Then a solitary Redshank worked his way along the bund.

And completely unfazed by each other's presence, little and large together.

Further along the bund but unseen by me until it moved a Common Snipe was probing the mud. This is the closest I've been to a Snipe so I was very pleased and nearly depleted the camera's battery I took so many shots.

At the back of the hide away from the lake is a feeding area for small birds. Taking advantage of the food spilt from the feeders one of the most elusive of birds, a Water Rail, appeared. It was very nervous about being out in the open and would disappear in a flash at the slightest disturbance but at least I managed to get a few photos.

As a finale a Great Crested Grebe looking very resplendent in its emerging summer plumage came close enough to get a few photos.

Apart from a few Teal, Gadwall,  some Tufties and a couple of miserable looking Cormorants there weren't that many birds about. Sometimes, however, quality makes up for quantity so I was quite pleased with my afternoon.

I hope the photos are visible but I'm not very optimistic after recent experience.




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