Return of the redpolls

This morning my collection of goldfinches brought two cousins with them - 2 lovely redpolls. I did have one about 3 weeks ago but haven't seen him since. He is now back, with a mate. You will have to believe me that his mate is a redpoll as he/she was hiding behind the feeder. I was so excited I choked on my cornflakes, and was very miffed that we had to go out all day to a family gathering and leave them behind!


Hope you can see the pictures!


Cheers, Linda.

See my photos on Flickr

  • OOH, I'm glad somebody laughed, I got a bit worried after I put that, will I get in trouble.

    There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 07/03/2010 06:33 in reply to Sparrow

    Hi Sparrow

    That is interesting to find out about the Redpolls liking Nyjer Seed.

    I never have known what is the favourite bird food of Redpolls - other than the bog standard Bird Seed.

    We seem to have resident Tits here, and it has taken a bit of time to attract them into the garden.

    Tits are not easy to please as some birds are - one thing I do is to put out meal worms every day and that is every birds delight - soaked and ready to eat.


    Kathy and Dave