A short trip to Bedford Town


Hi there

I went on a walk on my own to town today to do some 'girlie' shopping.   So I embarked on a short walk by myself with camera in hand.  As i walked through the park, there where lots of different birds calling and singing to one another.  No sign of the Goldcrests from before in Russell Park Park sadly.

I aimed towards the walk along the Great River Ouse {past the Swan Hotel)  It was busy today with rowers testing out their abilities.  So there was a lot of instruction and shouting as each boat sailed past.  The birds scattered everywhere with all the disturbance going on

Still managed a few pictures, despite of the noise and the overcast weather.  One Muscovey duck flew above my head {that distinctive red wattle gave it away} - probabily confused with all the activity on the riverside.

Lots of Gulls about.  Black Headed gulls at different breeding stages of their lives.  Some with a full dark mask - others with a slight one.  A few common gulls flew overhead looking for food as they do.  The town was busy today as it was market day.

I have taken some pictures so here is hoping that people can see them on this Forum.

Pictures next ......



    The first three pictures are of the same black Headed gull.  The breeding plumage very apparent.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 28/02/2010 04:33 in reply to Anonymous

    The next two pictures are of a gull next to the one in the first 3 pictures - so differnet in appearance so I guess it might be a juvenile bird

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 28/02/2010 04:46 in reply to Anonymous

    The female Mallard was lovely.  So sweet/trusting and she came up to me and sat on my foot to get some attention and some food.

    The Hybrid Male Mallard has a distinctive white patch down his neck.  Quite a handsome boy - though he is some strange mix.

    Another picture of a Black Headed Gull swimming in the Great River Ouse.  He is eyeing me up as much as I am watching him.  Eye to eye contact,

    We went to Tesco's later on in the day and just missed a MuntJac Deer which bounded right in front of the car.  Lucky escape for the deer as it is a very busy junction/roundabout at the end of Coldingham Road.  An interesting end to the day.


    Kathy and Dave



    by now BH gulls hatched last year will have lost most of their brown juvenile plumage, occasionally some brown feathers will remain in the wings. BHgulls start attaining their Summer plumage (brown heads) in late jan or feb . It varies between  individuals.

    Both your birds are moulting into summer plumage but are at different stages.



    - I had lunch by that  stretch of river last summer and there were Common Terns flying up and down :)


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 28/02/2010 05:01 in reply to seymouraves

    Hi Seymour

    Thank you for your conformation about the pictures of the 2 Black Headed Gulls {big smile}

    Yes, lots of indivdauls at all stages of showing their dark mask on their heads at the moment.  It makes them look a different age, to one another.

    Will try to get the swing of ID-ing Gulls although they are very hard to work out.  Practice is the main aim in life.

    Will get there though

    Great to hear about the Common Terns - a beautiful sight to see

    Thanks and Regards

    Kathy and Dave




    you Bedford birders get over to Stewartby lake at all? I haven't been in a few years but I see it still gets great birds :)

    I see Dunstable sewage farm is now 'birder friendly' too :)


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 28/02/2010 05:14 in reply to seymouraves

    Hi Seymour

    Yes, the Bedford birders, and ourselves have met up for a few meetings last year.  Really enjoyed the local walks about.   Not been out with the group due to a broken leg over the mid/last of the 2009/plus OH working away, but plan to go out for trip or two with Bedford Birders this year. OH will hopefully work local once more and that will help matters too

    We do keep up with the Bedford mailing group as much as possible, and any meetings at the RSPB Lodge, Sandy.  It is another opportunity to met up with people to catch up with things - and there are no shortage of contacts.

    Dave and I, we also do our own thing and add reports (ie Castlemill quarry)to another Forum I am a member of and the news of all the sightings so they are spread between members of the group.

    There are lots of favourite areas to visit, and Stewartby Lake is superb in itself.  Last time we visited we saw a Great Northern Diver - quite a recent visit too.

    How far do you live from Bedford yourself?


    Kathy and Dave


    I live near King's Lynn :)



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 28/02/2010 06:07 in reply to seymouraves

    Hi Seymour

    That is not to far away from Bedford - we visited there a couple of months ago.

    Dave said it is 60 miles, and easy to drive in 2 hours.


    Kathy and Dave