m6 camara problom sending Wildlife photos

I took some Wildlife photos that I really want send to the community to show everyone Exspeacially since  I saw a few interesting wildlife behaviours and managed to get some films and photos of them 

My m6 and the canon camara connect camara app has allways worked ever since I first got last month and was able to transfer photos to the community for instance I was able to save this photo to send to the community at some point 

 but this week my camara has been saying failed to connect every time I open the app there’s nothing wrong with the Wi fi as such and there’s nothing wrong with the wifi on my smartphone but the camara and app still don’t connect. it’s not a problem with my smartphone it’s a problom with my camara and I can’t transfer any photos cause it fails to connect to the app every time 

Has anyone else with a Mirrorless camera  had this problem and if so do you have any advice that might help so that I can senf my photos to the canon camara app on my smartphone and save to my photos on my smartphone to send to the community? 

  • I found a all in one memory stick called viktring so iv been trying it out for a couple of days you put the canon memory card in the memory stick and then plug it into your phone. Thankfuly my phone let me install the app so I tryed Canon connect and successfully reinstalled that too so have tryed it again but I just need to put the serial code and what not in. 

    but I’m going to use the memory stick until I have solved the problem with canon connect. You open the app that the memory stick will only work with called USB pro and then it will display folders with your photos and videos  in including Raw from your canon camara and you can click on a photo or video and save it to your photos app. Which does work. 

  • I found a vikring trail cam yesterday so the memory stick iv been useing could well of come from a trail cam. I got 2 trail cams one is on the tree in the garden. The second one Mum and Dad got me for Christmas or Birthday last December last year but i havnt  tryed that one out yet so I don’t know what it’s like compared to the other one. If Mum and dad didn’t get me one I may not of found a memory stick that may of went with it to use until I have solved the canon connect problom