m6 camara problom sending Wildlife photos

I took some Wildlife photos that I really want send to the community to show everyone Exspeacially since  I saw a few interesting wildlife behaviours and managed to get some films and photos of them 

My m6 and the canon camara connect camara app has allways worked ever since I first got last month and was able to transfer photos to the community for instance I was able to save this photo to send to the community at some point 

 but this week my camara has been saying failed to connect every time I open the app there’s nothing wrong with the Wi fi as such and there’s nothing wrong with the wifi on my smartphone but the camara and app still don’t connect. it’s not a problem with my smartphone it’s a problom with my camara and I can’t transfer any photos cause it fails to connect to the app every time 

Has anyone else with a Mirrorless camera  had this problem and if so do you have any advice that might help so that I can senf my photos to the canon camara app on my smartphone and save to my photos on my smartphone to send to the community? 

  • I use the Canon App occasionally and have had no issues. I would agree with what others have suggested - remove the app from the phone and then reinstall and pair the devices again.
  • Billysdad said:
    Any progress Zo?

    Not yet

  • thanks everyone I still havnt been able to transfer and send the photos but I will be going on holiday to Dorset today and  I will be away for a couple of days 


    I will share my holiday with everyone aswell when I come back once iv solved the problom with my phone and my camara 

  • Im back. I don’t know if anyone saw my comment or not just like on a competition thread I replyed on but yes I’m back. i stayed in a caravan for the first time in my life and heard and saw lots of different types of birds but I went to different places so im not going to say the rest of my holiday until iv done the post. Weather anyone is exited to see my holiday or not I don’t know but I’m hoping so.
  • Unknown said:

    A very crude attempt from someone still very green to this, I prefer to use cabled download connection to the PC/Laptop...

    1. Are you using the Canon Connect app?
    2. If yes, then has that app updated since you last successfully used it

    If yes to either, or both, it might be you need to set up the wifi connection again.

    The reason why I suggest that, is I've had a similar problem with mine via the Canon Connect app, and the only resolution I've found is to set up the connection again from scratch.

    I have contacted Canon regarding this, and the only thing they suggested was what I've just shared with you. Not very helpful of Canon, because it seems to be a regular issue, but not every time the app updates.

    I looked for the app in the App Store and The app was updated 3 months ago so that was before I got the camara and installed the app cause I got the camara in July iv tryed with the camara again but I’m still having problems with  though I tryed a couple of times last week the week I was going to be going on holiday  but still the same result each time.

    im trying with eradicating all the connection settings and everything and then seeing if that works. I have been trying to avoid reinstalling cause my devices are abit funny about it but iv had to offload and deleate the app. It wont let me reinstall it again but when it does Il reinstall it and try everything again 

  • Billysdad said:
    Have you tried transfering using a lead or a card reader rather than wifi Zo? I have a Canon mirrorless (R7), and usually use a lead to download, but I know a lot prefer a card reader. I use a desktop and a laptop computer, so I don't really know what input sockets iphones have. Or if you are sure the WiFi conection is OK, you might try re-installing the app.

    no I havnt tryed  that but my old laptop is broken so I can’t do that until I get a new laptop until I get a laptop I don’t have any other way of transferring photos I prefer to transfer things to my laptop rather than my phone and That’s allways been my prefered way or storing my photos but until I can get a new laptop im having to save the photos to my phone rather Than use a  laptop. I have un installed it though so when my device lets me re install again Il reinstall it 

  • Unknown said:
    No specific advice other than to turn the phone and camera off completely (take the battery out of the camera), turn them back on and try again. If that doesn't help, remove the App, re-install, re-pair and try then. Hopefully that will sort it out!

    Thanks for the advice. I tryed turning the camara off and taking the battery out then turning back on and trying again last week but that didn’t work so I’m trying the removing and reinstalling and then trying again 

  • Iv found out a way to transfer my photos until I can fix the camara connect problem but im having to do it when my phone is on its best behaviour like the camara connect app until I can get a laptop cause im useing my old phone and it doesn’t allways accurately display information in settings as they actually are. I could deleate all data photos, documents, information etc in one category but  it rather than say 0 GB like it’s supposed to it will instead continue saying 100 for example and can just be temper mental in general and has a mind of its own at times  and does strange things sometimes but this method I came up with which  works to an extent will do for now 

  • Glad you got something working Zo. Even if it's only a temporary fix ... Thumbsup