m6 camara problom sending Wildlife photos

I took some Wildlife photos that I really want send to the community to show everyone Exspeacially since  I saw a few interesting wildlife behaviours and managed to get some films and photos of them 

My m6 and the canon camara connect camara app has allways worked ever since I first got last month and was able to transfer photos to the community for instance I was able to save this photo to send to the community at some point 

 but this week my camara has been saying failed to connect every time I open the app there’s nothing wrong with the Wi fi as such and there’s nothing wrong with the wifi on my smartphone but the camara and app still don’t connect. it’s not a problem with my smartphone it’s a problom with my camara and I can’t transfer any photos cause it fails to connect to the app every time 

Has anyone else with a Mirrorless camera  had this problem and if so do you have any advice that might help so that I can senf my photos to the canon camara app on my smartphone and save to my photos on my smartphone to send to the community? 

  • Hi Zo
    It looks like the picture of your phone is not showing a wifi connection. Maybe you've accidentally turned wifi off? Alternatively could you connect the phone to the camera with a usb cable (Sorry, I haven't an iphone or a canon camera so guessing a bit!)

  • no its definitely not a Wi-Fi problem. Cause smartphones have a signal on top that tells you if it’s connected or not. I knew that already cause the Wi-Fi is normally on and the symbol was abouve on my phone  in settings Wi-Fi is on

    and So it’s connection between the camara and the app thats the problem but the camara is connected to The same Wi-Fi like my Phone so should be connecting to the app but it isn’t 

  • The camara and the app is paired so that I can transfer photos from my camara to my phone 

    When I have the camara on the main screen my camara and my phone stay connected 

    but when I press this button to the screen where you click connect to smartphone

    my camara and phone automatically disconnects 

    Without any notice saying it’s disconnected I press connect to phone and open the canon connect app only for it to say it can’t connect 

  • I don't think I can help Zo, not my area of expertise I'm afraid. You could try searching the Canon users website to see if anyone else has had the same issue
  • Iv already tryed that but nothing. Il see if anyone here with canon or mirorless has run into this problom before or not or something similar and see weather they have any advice cause I need to transfer my photos so I can send them to the community
  • I don’t know if anyone here with canon has run into a similar problem even if not the same problom  with transferring and sending photos Or  if anyone have also used canon camara connect here in the community to send there Wildlife photos to the community but if you have any advice so that I can Share the photos with everyone in the community let me know

  • Have you tried transfering using a lead or a card reader rather than wifi Zo? I have a Canon mirrorless (R7), and usually use a lead to download, but I know a lot prefer a card reader. I use a desktop and a laptop computer, so I don't really know what input sockets iphones have. Or if you are sure the WiFi conection is OK, you might try re-installing the app.
  • No specific advice other than to turn the phone and camera off completely (take the battery out of the camera), turn them back on and try again. If that doesn't help, remove the App, re-install, re-pair and try then. Hopefully that will sort it out!


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • A very crude attempt from someone still very green to this, I prefer to use cabled download connection to the PC/Laptop...

    1. Are you using the Canon Connect app?
    2. If yes, then has that app updated since you last successfully used it

    If yes to either, or both, it might be you need to set up the wifi connection again.

    The reason why I suggest that, is I've had a similar problem with mine via the Canon Connect app, and the only resolution I've found is to set up the connection again from scratch.

    I have contacted Canon regarding this, and the only thing they suggested was what I've just shared with you. Not very helpful of Canon, because it seems to be a regular issue, but not every time the app updates.

