Young Swallows Left Behind

 We had a late swallow nest built in our carport this summer, which produced three fledglings. The parents and one fledgling have now gone, leaving two behind. They can fly well and disappear for the day, but return each night to roost near the nest. We are concerned that these two have missed the migration and will not survive the winter. Are we right to be concerned and if so, is there anything that can be done to help them?

  • Thank you Germain, as you mentioned  it makes sense that birds come down the country in stages, to stop for refuelling and rest especially if the weather and the winds are against them.  Good to hear that your numbers from yesterdays count have decreased dramatically proving the swallows are making progress. Counts like this  provide us with such valuable information.

  • swallows are making progress

    Or the weather's been so poor they haven't attempted the Channel yet?!

  • Yes that’s true the weather has been awful with many ferry crossings being cancelled. Incredible to think of these small birds making the crossing!

  • Further update - the one we thought had migrated has returned to the carport. In a way I’m glad, as they’re company for one another, but I do hope they find a migrating group soon.

    Thanks everyone for your comments - it’s a shame there isn’t a ‘like’ option on them all, as they’re interesting.

  • We are in East Anglia and had a very late brood of 3 in our stables - the parents and one sibling left about a week ago and left 2 behind.  Tonight there is just one - is there still some hope it will join a group and migrate? It looks so sad on its own this evening and I’m so worried about the poor thing. We have a real colony of many families every summer so it’s sad to see it left all alone.  Have your two left yet Ramlen?

  • Final update: After the second swallow fledgling returned, they both roosted near the nest overnight and remained for 4 days, but now both have gone. It’s been 5 days now and they haven’t returned, so we’re hoping they’ve joined a larger group that was spotted nearby and have now migrated.

    Thank you everyone who has shared their own experiences and for the advice and information. It’s great to know so many are looking out for our little seasonal visitors! RelaxedHeart

  • I hope your little one soon departs! I have no idea if any ever get left behind and if they do, what, if anything, can be done to help them.

  • Every evening I have been checking if they've left - the one was till there this morning but I really hope today's the day he/she finds some others to migrate with as it's going to get cold soon.  I'm so glad that yours have now left.  It does seem late this year but I think the weather changing so much everything is a bit out of sync.

  • Does yours fly off during the day? Ours were always gone first thing, but returned before nightfall to roost. They were completely nonplussed by the comings and goings of our cars, or the automatic light that comes on when it’s dark.

  • Yes they have been out all day and then I see them at night and sometimes early in the morning.  They are in our stables and are not at all bothered by the horses or me being in there with them. I love them but every day have been hoping not to see them!