• Hi there

    Yes, it certainly looks like black redstart. You can clearly see the red on the underside of the tail and the breast is charcoal black. It has a black face with a slightly paler crown. I'm pretty sure it's a male although with the shadow it's difficult to see it clearly. The female is much more of a mouse grey colour. When it flies you should be able to see the flash of red on its tail and rump.

    I can't give you any statistics on the population in northern France but it is much more widespread on the continent than it is over here. This link gives you an idea of the European distribution.


    Hope this helps.




    My Flickr Photostream 




    it's a male black redstart -  in germany they are known as House redstarts because they are often found around human dwellings.

    The breeding range of the Black redstart  covers most of  France , with highest density apparently in the NE , down the centre, west of the massif central ,  the Pyrenees and the SE corner towards Marseilles.





    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Good morning,
    I live just North of Perpignan France and built a nest box on the edge of a pergola and we have a pair of Black Redstarts nest twice a year from early summer and the second batch are due to leave any time soon (25 June). The nest box has been used for the last 6 years at least..

    We also have 2 bird baths which this time of the year are filled at least twice a day and the variety of birds has really increased since we first move here 12 years ago , I think what also helps is our neighbour now has several bird feeders and we have increased the population of all types of birds and it is such a wonderful thing to see.