MESH BAGS - a word of caution.

Feeding birds during the winter can mean a matter of lfe and death. Harsh weather can make finding food tricky. Simply by putting out bird food, such as peanuts, seeds and fat or even household food scraps such as fruit, cheese and pastry can help our feathered friends. Food in fine plastic nets can be extremely dangerous for birds and are best avoided, in fact removed. To read more about these dangers, take a look here.


  • A lot of us will remember the big push on this last winter and I think there was some reaction from manufacturers but many new members may not realise the problem the nets can cause.Our local shop makes their own and as well as realising the problem thought there was a cost saving leaving the nets off.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • All my nets are removed. Makes fat balls easier to squeeze between branches, as well as being healthy for the birds. Oh, and makes it easier for the squirrel to nick, out of metal feeders, no longer needs to chew through the net!

  • Thank you for that timely reminder !

    Here in France I came across some fat balls with the consistency of golf balls.  Happily the beaks seem to be up to it.  Netting removed, goodies stashed inside the sturdy cylindrical cages, little claws find a reliable perch for breakfast/lunch/tea on the wing.  Plenty falls down for the ground feeders to find a share.  

    Seed for the collared doves, dry oats, apples for the blackbirds, and couscous cereal (prepared without salt), a cage with suet on toast, completes my garden winter menu.  No squirrels in the centre of this village, but two scavenger dogs (mine) experience digestive disturbance if I put out anything else.  We manage.

    Last comment about netting.  Taking care about netting fruit trees and bushes in the season.  One bad experience was enough for me - got scared out of my wits when I had a young blackbird killing itself trying to get out from under.  Happy ending though.

    Thanks again and best wishes to all for the upcoming festive season.


    Quote from my Gran from when we were irritating youngsters:  "If you can't help, don't hinder".  Good advice indeed.