Awesome new garden visitor!

There was a Grey Wagtail and some Mandarins seen in a stream just down our road, and though I'd seen them both before I still needed some good pictures of them, especially since the Grey Wagtail was a new species for the area. Just as we were about to set off, I went to check our flooded garden for mallards and saw the wagtail! It's very interesting to think that had we gone to the stream, we would've missed them. I got my camera, crouched in the water and sort of waddled towards it. Once I got less than a metre away from it, it flew to the neighbour's garden and a second one arrived! After 20 minutes or so of watching it catch flies, I managed this shot.

This was one of the moments where you can really just sit there for ages and appreciate the bird. It's not exactly rare, but I just thought I'd share it.