What feed?

I have started feeding garden birds recently and was wondering what seeds and foods to invest in to attract the biggest variety of birds

I have only really put out suet and sunflower seeds and some unsalted peanuts so far so I was wondering what would be worth putting out

So far Ive only attracted the tit family, great tit, blue tit, long-tailed tit and the occasional coal tit and I also saw a nuthatch once but not again after that.

It would also be useful if I had some ideas for where to get the food from aswell

Thanks in advance



  • I never had any luck with Niger, sunflower hearts was the favourite. However, my neighbour (shared garden at the time) about 10 yards away, had no luck with sunflower but only with Niger.... so I think it depends on your birds!! Fresh water is as important as food,
    A good quality seed mix.
    And patience. It took a couple of weeks, if not longer, to get some regular activity when we first started feeding. There are a lot of threads about feeding, and somewhere there'll be a link to Hazy's pastry recipe, and how to deploy it!!

    And don't overfill the feeders, or the contents will rot once it gets rained on. Only put ot what the amount of birds you get will eat daily