I had a spare seed feeder (the sort designed to stick to a window) and decided to attach it to the trunk of a bush just under our front room window. I had previously seen an absolutely gorgeous little bank vole and wondered whether he would feed from it. I didn't have to wait long to find out - he was tucking into the bird seed within 20 minutes! This feeder is really popular with everything from dunnocks to wood pidgeons and would cost me a small fortune in bird seed, as I have to fill it up every day, so I now fill it with cheap porridge oats which they also love. Anyway, here are two pictures of the little vole which I named Mortimer..........
Lovely photos - I sometimes get a little vole on my seed feeder as well - so cute!
Hi and welcome to the fourms Lisa.
Just how fantastic is that??? They are such bonnie wee beasties and thankyou for puttin the photo up for us all to enjoy.
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!
Hi L,
Welcome from me too, what cute photos, I wonder how many voles you do have?
Lovely photo of a very cute visitor. Welcome to the forums from me
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Oh that's great! Did you know you'd got them before you put the feeder down there?
I don't know much about Bank Voles, I'm going to go look them up.
Hope we see more pics soon :o)
I' d seen one in the undergrowth near my front room window who gradually got brave enough to venture out onto the grass under my bird table for dropped seeds (photos below). So I put another feeder on the ground and yes, his stomach ruled his head and he was soon munching on that seed too. He scuttles off when the birds come down to the feeder, but not for long. I'm kind of hoping he's got babies and that they'll all gather around the feeder for their tea! (BTW I'm calling this vole a 'he', but I've no idea!).
What lovely pictures, thanks for posting them.
He's going to turn into a right tubby chap after being spoilt like this.
He's certainly a cute little chap, thanks for sharing the photos :o)
Hope we get to hear more stories about him...or her as the case may be, lol!
Absolutely wonderful photos, it would be fantastic if he/she has a family and they bring the youngsters to feed.
Please let us know how he or she gets on and if there are young, a photo would be a real bonus!.
Thanks for posting these.
Kind regards Jane.
I cant see any ware on the underside of the fur where the young would be feeding so I think that is a male Vole.