I have a problem with Jackdaws and Magpies eating the majority of the Suit Balls. They eat about 10 in just a couple of days. The smaller Birds dont get a look in. Putting chicken wire around the outside doesn't work as they can squeeze their heads through. Has anybody else had this problem, if so how did you solve it?
Hi, you can buy guardian feeders for all sorts of feeders to prevent larger birds and squirrels getting the food. However I bought one for mealworms and other than one happy robin have had no birds use it. I know others have had success with these feeders.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Thank you for your reply Sarah. After putting up more fat balls, two Blue titsare now making regular visits to and from their nest which is only 6 metres away.
Hi Ronshep,
I think we all have this problem. My starlings and jackdaws eat nearly every single bit of suet and fat I put out. The guardian type feeders only work if you have tits. If you have sparrows and other small birds, they won't go near the guardian feeder, or at least not in my experience. What I do is to have several fat feeders spread out in different places. They do have a go at all of them, but at least when the jackdaws are on one feeder and the starlings are fighting over another feeder, there is always one free somewhere!!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Yes, I must agree with everyone. We get crows and jackdaws on ours. The crows sometimes just fly off with them.
I do the same as Sparrow and spread them around the garden. The little birds tend to eat the one outside my kitchen window which is great.
I have now bought a holder from the RSPB which is very good, but as it is in a bush the jackdaws are using it. I don't mind though as it is also outside the window so they disappear if I am around but the smaller birds stay.
Kind regards Jane.