I now have sparrows using my hanging caged feeder in the cherry tree (the feeder I moved to discourage the starlings). Starlings still use it but not as much as it swings in the tree,but I had 3 sparrows on it at one time,a record for any bird in my garden!!
It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Nice work there madpenguin!
I've just recently had sparrows feed in my garden and now they've almost taken over! They are great to have here though and so I hope the same happens to you.
Congrats though,
I won't be happy until I've got a penguin down :)
Well done madpenguin. We only get the odd sparrow visit but they are using a couple of our boxes.
Congrats Madpenguin. My favourites.
Brenda - have you any eggs/chicks yet?
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Good news and word travels fast - all the relations will be round for a good feed
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Sparrow, we are pretty sure that there are eggs, but not enough activity to say any have hatched yet.
Bought another feeder yesterday (yes,another one!) .A 4-port which I am hoping will deter starlings as they cannot hang on it very well.Has not been up 24 hours yet but this morning I saw a sparrow using it!
I am hoping that this years parents will show their offspring what a veritable restaurant my garden is!
Next year I am hoping to put up a sparrow terrace to encourage them to nest.
We have loads of them under the roof tiles,between the soffets and have had for years.....they are lovely to watch too.they sit on the gutter edge and flap away waiting for mum and dad to fill their tums........
SUE and LUCKY..just call me Mrs Early Bird.....x
Our house operate's soley for our animals and birds......Love me love my animals........
You may be lucky, Madpenguin. I hope so.
All my colony of about 30 sparrows are, I think, last year's babies. They suddenly appeared from nowhere last June and were very fluffy little things. I watched them develop from infants to teenagers, getting adult markings, and now they are breeding. They spend their days in my garden, playing in the conifers and eating the seed and are a delight to watch and listen to. They haven't nested in my garden but I see them disappear with their mealworms to the eaves of neighbouring houses.
When I was a kid we had a bunch of Sparrows that lived under the guttering of our house . The garden we had at the time was kinda big so plenty feeding for them as well as what we would put out for the birds year round .
There was one part of the garden that we never planted anything in because it was where the sparrows would have there dust bath .
I used to sit on our shed roof and watch them for hours .
Funny My Mum always could tell where I was when she heard the Sparrows havin a dust up.
Just thought I would share that ... Sorry!
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!
Hi Al,
That's a great story, and talking of shed rooves ... no, I wasn't sitting on our shed roof, much too old to get up there these days, but just this morning I saw my first baby sparrow sitting on our shed roof being fed by mum. I was so pleased to see it, even though it was very brief. The first of many, I hope.