At the moment my garden has black sunflowr seeds in one feeder, husk free sunflower hearts in another feeder, suet balls and peanuts. This mix attracts greenfinches, goldfinches, coal tits, blue tits, great tits, dunnocks, black birds and of course a wood pigeon or two. I have also had a few visits from sparrows last two days but not on the feeders but picking up from underneath, hopeing their gunna become residents!!
I am very curious to know what mix of feeds people use in their gardens and what birds this atttracts. Hopefully this way we can all pick up a few tips from each other.
P.s ill just add if some of you are wondering that i was saying that i havent had barely any visitors to my garden in previouse forum its becasue these birds have only just sarted to turn up and im over the moon. I just hope they stay and it hasnt just been a lucky couple of days!!
Hi owain21, We use a bog standard mix from the local B+M store most of the time and the sparrows seem happy with it. They have turned their beaks up at more expensive types so if they're happy so am I.
We also use black sunflower seed, peanuts and last month started using suet balls, again cheap and cheerful. Don't forget water though, for those lovely, splashy baths Sparrow loves photographing
Our list is similar to yours,but we also get starlings on everything but mainly the nuts, chaffinches on the sunflowers, and collared doves pecking up the dropped bits.
Keep feeding them and they should stay and you may even get the odd wanderer in, like my bullfinch last weekend.