swans in local pond started building a nest and its snowing outside - should i be concerned?

hi - in my local pond there are two swans, they have been there for at least 6 months.

i am concerned about their welfare. its started snowing today. its brutally cold outside.

a couple of days ago i was at the lake and noticed the swans gathering materials in what looks like some kind of circular nest. itll be nice to see them have young, but they have been in that pond/mini-lake for a long time now. they havent migrated. and these days it is snowing. many people might not go out as much. i am concerned for their welfare. should i call RSPB so they can relocated somewhere safer where they can have their baby?

i am worried they'll be exposed to the cold and the elements nonstop over the next few weeks, with little food as hardly much people would go out, and they might lose the baby or starve to death. i have not seen any eggs thus far.

it doesnt help also that in the pond i saw lots of rotting full loaves of white bread people just mindlessly throw at them, it actually frustrates me as i bring carefully selected kibbles for them to eat, that contains vitamins and supplements.

i would be grateful for a reply? thank you

  • We braved the snow yesterday and had a quick look on our local small wetland, the resident Mutes seem to have settled down on their recently refurbished nest in fact the pen was sitting so tight there may be eggs in there. This pair have always been early nesters so there is probably no cause for worry about your birds


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • i am heartbroken!

    so the two swans in that pic have been in that large pond/lake for about 6-8 months i think. several times per week, i'd visit them, spend time with them, feed them and even talk to them, because i have no real friends. i always say to them see you tomorrow or whenever.

    i went to the pond/lake today. they were not there. i felt so sad. i prayed they are ok and not taken by some *** who might kill them for food. would they have flew off? i wonder where to. mind you the thames is about 40 metres away from that pond, so am hoping they went there for pastures new. there were lots of swans by the thames too but i couldnt tell which ones were from the pond. i feel so sad.

    i'll miss them. i really would. i have a feather i collected last summer from one of the swans that i found on the grass nearby the pond as one was grooming themselves. its the only thing i have of them left, and will remember them by. that and the pics and vids on my iphone...