Birdsong - chuck

Bird keeping a very low profile in our garden, unlike Blackbirds, Thrushes, Goldfinch, Sparrows (hedge & house), Tits & Woodpeckers. Appears to prefer to feed on the ground under hedgerow/shrubs/trees where there is plenty of cover. The call is an intermittent "chuck" that is loud enough to suggest a bird about blackbird size. Any suggestions welcome.
  • Hard to know without actually hearing it. However, Blackbirds do often make a soft clucking call as opposed to a full blown alarm call. Anything like this for example?

    maudoc, XC364599. Accessible at

    If not can you get a recording?



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi Tony, Definitely not a Blackbird, we have 3 nesting pairs in the garden and they've all produced & hatched 2 clutches of eggs. This was a very definite 'chuck', it was intermittent rather than repeated and not an alarm/distress call.
