Kestrels in the Quarry 2013...

The pair showed up on 13th March & were checking out the nest - here's hoping..............

Have posted all I've taken today, unedited, as I'm so excited!!!  They both flew off & now Mr Kestrel has returned to nest & sitting, waiting like a spider in the middle of a web!  Just going to video him













 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi Wendy, first time on in a while so just catching up now. I'm so sorry, I hope it didn't seem rude :-( Fantastic videos and photos, and it's brilliant news that they are doing so well :-)


    Better get these posted quickly before it all goes pear-shaped again!!

    We are on catch-up starting at 30th May with handsome Mr K (having a not-so-handsome scratch) ...

    On 31st May - preparing for flight...

    Mrs K bleating for food on 1st June...

    Gets some delivered & takes it to cliff to eat...

    WAIT FOR IT -  there's more coming (am uploading in small batches in case of probs with site!)

    Mr K again in his favourite spot on 2nd June...

    Mrs K on same day perched in tree & looking adorable...

    WAIT AGAIN - Gory pics/vids from 3rd June coming up!!

    Couldn't see what she had at first...

    That soon became evident as these vids will show...

    I split them up into watchable & easily uploadable portions...

    She then stashed her meal in a great place on the can just see her peeking over the grassy scrub....

    And then toddled out to see if anyone was looking (only me!!)...

    Two last vids of her antics on the cliff...

    WOW - think I might be finished for this session........enjoy (or not, if you're squeamish lol !)

    The Kestrels have settled into a pattern of behviour now that it appears they are incubating eggs - Mrs K bleats for food from nest (usually) & Mr K brings her food - often calling out to anounce his arrival (but not always) - then Mrs K will take the food to eat it away from nest while Mr K takes over and presumably incubates but, again, not always - he's very fickle!!!

    'Til the next time folks!




















     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks D - have been watching this morning to see if she collected her stash but nothing yet!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi Wendy, it's brilliant to see them doing so well for themselves :-) Stunning photos and videos as always, I loved her fake eyelash lol :-) Thanks for posting!

  • WendyB have you thought of letting springwatch know about your nest given they are looking for sightings of kestrels? ;-)

  • Glad to do a catch up again Wendy, fantastic update on state of play in quarry, so glad they are sitting on eggs, and love the videos, gory or not!!  They are just gorgeous birds to watch.   I'm dizzy with blackbirds flying around the garden at present, trying to keep up with the number of broods they are having and identifying them.

    Lot to learn


    I'm falling asleep on the job lol - a couple of weeks to catch up on - will post a selection & some vids (gory again!) & put the rest on Flickr!

    Settled into a routine of Mrs K calling (noisily) for food, then Mr K delivering (nest raiding in past few days) & staying in nest while Mrs K goes away to eat - various places on the cliff or on top of telegraph pole.  When she has finished they changeover & Mr K usually preens on a rung of the pole (poser) & then we start all over again - but there was one day, last Thursday, when there was no activity at all & I was concerned - can only assume that she had some food stashed!!

    Mrs K on 7th June..

    Mrs K on 9th June...

    Mr K on 16th June...

    Mrs K same day...

    This is a short vid of the changeover - blink & you'll miss it lol but it gives the general idea!!..

    Mr K on 17th June...

    Mrs K same day ...

    PHEW!!  Hope that will keep you all occupied for now - am trying to work out fledging dates - must be a while to go yet!!  Hope it's not this weekend as it is Manston Air Show so will be a bit noisy!











     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Brilliant. Thanks for the update, Wendy. It's good to see them doing so well. I hope you get to see the youngsters fledge.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Brilliant follow up video clips Wendy,   they are so entertaining although the mealtime is a little graphic   LOL       made me laugh when in one of the earlier clips  Mrs. K. had trouble with the loose feathers getting in her eyes, as you say, like a false eyelash  lol        well done on the updates, just love them.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • The Kestrel pair are alive & well & tootling around doing what Kestrels do!!  Lots of nest-raiding unfortunately, sending the poor Blackbirds into a frenzy - want to see a Kestrel, look to the alarm-calling Blackbird!!  Here are a few pics to keep you going until fledging time.............

    Mr K on 18th June

    Mr K on 23rd June

    and a couple of  vids 

    Mr K on 27th June

    Mrs K same day

    Mr K on 30th June at top of tree upsetting a Blackbird

    I shall be taking up residence in a chair in my neighbour's garden under the nest so that I can listen for chick's peeps!!








     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr