Kestrels in the Quarry 2013...

The pair showed up on 13th March & were checking out the nest - here's hoping..............

Have posted all I've taken today, unedited, as I'm so excited!!!  They both flew off & now Mr Kestrel has returned to nest & sitting, waiting like a spider in the middle of a web!  Just going to video him













 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi all - was a much better day today weather-wise, still windy but warmer & wall-to-wall sunshine and the Kestrel pair did not let me a reversal of positions Mr K was in the nest hole just after ten this morning..............

    And Mrs K was on top of the telegraph pole......

    They both flew off - no flight shots today as I was not dressed yet!!!  Later on Mrs K was in the nest....

    She didn't stay there long & there was no sign of Mr K!

    I had to go out for a few hours & never had any more sightings but it is a good sign to see them two days running!!!













     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi Wendy, what gorgeous birds, do you mind me asking what the set up is? you say you have moved a chair to your window to watch them, how far away are they then from your house?  I can't imagine what it must be like to have them on your doorstep, I would be loathed to move from the chair :-)


  • Thanks folks - I'm afraid all you're going to get in the way of live streaming is tears from my eyes in this bitter easterly wind & you wouldn't want to see that in 3D!!!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi Maria - been watching your personal Peregrine cam - is good & exciting!!  Much like watching the Kestrels here.  I live in a chalk quarry & the Kestrel's nest is about 20-odd feet up in the cliff face which is diagonally opposite my lounge double doors & I am taking my pics at nearly full stretch for my cam which is about 60 - 68 feet!   Only trouble is my garden birds feed at the other side of house outside kitchen window, so I am constantly running to & fro in case I miss something good - don't need to diet that's for sure!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Lovely photo's and video, Have just been reading the thread with OH, looking forward to the rest of the updates


  • Early birds today!!  Her in the nest hole & him on his favourite perch...........

    It's too early to say whether she has taken up residence in nest & laying eggs - am waiting to see if he starts bringing her food or does change-over so that she can hunt!  Weather is sunny & dry & a fraction warmer but by no means warm enough for sitting quietly outside. I am looking for a good position to get better clearer shots of the nest hole but the lady who's garden it is that is under the nest hole (the same lady who is extremely phobic about birds) is recuperating from an operation, so I don't want to be a nuisance to her.  More later, hopefully!!!

    Edit:  Changed my mind about 'warmer' - wicked north easterly now & cloudy & when sun disappears 'tis freeeeeeeezing!!!








     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I'm sorry Wendy; I saw the beginning of the thread and then lost it. I've just spent ages catching up and reading about the kestrel pair. Thanks for doing this; I'm looking forward to further developments.

  • Lovely photos Wendy, I don't think I will be getting so many beautiful photos as these of my Peregrines.  What a lovely way to loose weight and stay fit though...I could live with that.


  • Wow stunning photos again Wendy! The look nice and cosy in the nesthole :-)

  • WENDY great that they have returned and what lovely photos!!! Looking forward to reading how they get on:-)