Grizzled, Dingy, and Adonis....

No, not JUST things I've been called over the years, but a selection of what I saw on Saturday!

Forecast was warm and still, and Mrs PB was working, so I decided it was time for proper butterfly looksie, so just took the macro (which stayed in the bag) and the 70-200

Outside the front door, before even getting into the car, shortly after 7:30, a dozen or more House Martins were having a bit of a whiz about

Taking this as a good omen, I headed to Fontmell Down (or at least the very productive track that leads down the hill)

First up, a fly

A gold-dipped fly

Another (different) one of the first fly, less gleamy!

I started to get my eye in, and saw loads of Yellow Dung Fly

Another (again different) of the earlier one.. google lens came up with Rhogogaster this time... and who am I to disagree!?

Initial thoughts of the first moth were Dark Barred Carpet Twinspot, but subsequently it was decided (thanks Wendy & Dorset Butterfly Conservation) that it was a dark form Nettletap

More Dung fly action.... is it yellow-dung fly... or yellow dung-fly, do you reckon? 

This looks similar but appears more hairy?!

Up the tree, gorgeous Goldfinch

One of those occasions you wish you brought the big lens...

That light speck in the tree.... Yellowhammer

Back to closer, littler stuff now... Brachycara (obviously!!) ... which I think is that first one again but a better pic Slight smile

Determined not to fall off its stalk

Some aphid type thingie, probably

No dew to sparkle, but suspended beautifully

Robber Fly?

Flesh Fly

Thanks to Wendy and BD for Hedge Beauty confirmation

A Linda-Fly

A Little Black n Shiny Hoverbeefly

I think this is a dark Bush Cricket

At last I got to the bit of bank along the track that is so good for butterflies... a Large White flew by, but didn't settle... Dingy Skipper

A single Small Blue... but they are so small I could easily have missed some

Now the start of the day... following last years release (I've seen nothing about any this year, but a couple have been spotted elsewhere in Dorset) Glanville Fritillary

One of the Field Moths I think

And this looks bluish, either Holly or Small I think

A couple of Small Heath were flitting about a little further down the track

Grizzled Skipper

More Glanville Frit

There were Marsh Fritillaries too, but going through my images I seem to have managed not to get a photo... unless one of the Glanvilles is!! A Micro Moth of some kind

Grizzled Skipper... there were 4 or 5 together that kept interacting... could tell if it was flirting or fighting!

A Bee

Just the one Adonis Blue

More Dingy-ness

Another Bee, creeping over the flower head

As I was beginning to head home, a Brimstone arrived, and dragged me back

A Swollen Thigh Beetle ended the trip out

But as it was on the way I popped in to see my Mum and Dad, Mayfly on the door frame

Then heading home, a Buzzard was pretty low as I was approaching a lay-by.... rude not to pull in!

When I got home, the House Martins were still about

And the new Starlings were in the garden, looking expectantly about!

And by then it was chore o'clock, so knowing which side my bread is buttered on, I put the camera away and got on with something "useful"!!

Hope it's not too long, but the sun was out!!

Stay Safe All