Baddesley Clinton 20 Apr and no swallows!

Saturday, another pleasant sunny day with blue sky, and time the swallows to be showing at Baddesley, alas no, not yet. But there was a pleasant first timer on the Great Pool......

Yet again, I make no apology for this photo of a standard five bar farm gate.

The bluebells looking good, and probably at their peak for this year.

Star 6 filter used for effect

Baddesley Clinton first mallard ducklings of 2024, around the moat

Mum trying to keep an eye on her unruly brood of four, who keep cheekily dispersing all over the place

Dad overseeing the safety of the family....

By the Great Pool

JD looking to get in on the action, after seeing food getting distributed

"Oi, what about me?"

"Huh, I guess I'm not welcome...."

More of the ducklings....

Mr Chaffie

The first timer I've seen at Baddesley, and talking to the staff, they've not seen them before, tufties.....

One of the two males

Ready to dive




and his partner, Mrs Tuftie

and back to the mallard ducklings....

Look mummy, I can almost run on water!

Before  I go any further, an interesting chat with one of the ground staff while talking about the tufties and swallows, they've had signs of otters visiting. Trailcams have been set up to track them, but nothing observed other than the otter spray,  and dwindling fish stocks in the grate pool and moat....

One of the pairs of tufties relaxing after getting their elevenses

Finally, plants on the meadow....

I think cowslips, correction or confirmation will be greatly appreciated