Some from The Hideout 2024

After a bit of the alternative Xmas, one not to be repeated, I hope, The Hideout has been a welcome refuge while trying to get back on my feet again.

The Hideout, just a random name I gave it, is my man cave, an integral brick built extension to the garage, which became a convenient dumping ground when we moved in 23 years ago, now nicely converted to a man cave.

A short 4 minute guided tour, no waffle, of The Hideout, which can be viewed HERE.


In my previous The Hideout thread, I did confess to honourably borrowing an annual based theme, so here it starts, and a link to the shorter 2023 thread, "Some from The Hideout 2023";

Not many photos to start with, I didn't fancy lugging the camera and dropping it, but The Hideout has been a comfort, heating on, gentle music in the background and urban nature (if such a term exists, well it does now), going about its business, and particularly nest building.

A pair of magpies seemed to be nest building atop our cherry tree, twigs etc being taken in, then the next day, the twigs seemed to be transported out, and to another tree, most likely a lot higher, further away. it may have been the cherry tree provided a central storage place, or not.....

The Hideout is definitely fulfilling its intended role.

Less of the waffle, and more photos.....

What better than an early sign of spring, daffodil shoots, that started showing very early December, which they always do here.

Mr BB looking for more suet pellets to be thrown from The Hideout, onto the grass....

Yesterday, 13th Jan,

Blue skies

and a magpie enjoying a bathe...

These first few images were taken through a dirty kitchen window, I know, should be clean, but I had been a guest of our fabulous NHS over Xmas/NY

Though blurred and out of focus, I hadn't anticipated the magpie taking flight,

These last few were taken from The Hideout

  • No photos, the weather hasn't leant to any decent photos, though some of the resident flowers, erysimum, lavender and some others are starting to flower, so hopefully there'll be bees, butterflies and others. So just a few short videos from The Hideout.

    Click HERE to see the hoggie took a wander down the drive and not seen since.....

    One of the regular visiting foxes seen HERE in this clip, seemed a little spooked by the stone dog, as it passes the stone dog, something seems to make it a little apprehensive.

    The next three short clips from the trailcam, show a pair of foxes  happily playing in the garden.

    Finally, click HERE to see a cheeky magpie decided to dunk a piece of apple core in the bird bath, taken using the Canon's LEGRIA HF G60, while nursing a painful leg, before eating it.

    For info,  the magpie had been eyeing up the apple core moments earlier, and was about to descend from the fence, only to be beaten by a black headed gull swoop down and swipe the largest chunk!

    The magpie seemed to have an expression is aif to say, "where in ##### did that come from.....

  • while nursing a painful leg, before eating it.


  • You don't miss a trick do you PB? RoflRoflRofl


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Very nice. Ive not thought of uploading videos to Flickr - I must try it. 

    I do have one question though and that is why do you put the sig block across the middle of all the pictures you post on here as it does detract yet you don't put it on your pictures in Flickr? 

  • Why should people (have to) put their pics on Flickr?

    (NB that was one question. Possibly.)

  • tuwit said:

    Why should people (have to) put their pics on Flickr?

    (NB that was one question. Possibly.)

    I suggest you read my question again( which was addressed to Mike) and then decide whether your question is relevant.

  • PimperneBloke said:

    while nursing a painful leg, before eating it.


    Have you never tried?

    As Billy Connolly once said "Get ya teeth right inta......"

    The Wellie Boot Song.....

  • WendyBartter said:

    You don't miss a trick do you PB? RoflRoflRofl

    It always sparks someone's initiative, when you feed them..   Joy Joy Joy

  • tuwit said:

    Why should people (have to) put their pics on Flickr?

    (NB that was one question. Possibly.)

    People choose to share/post their photos on Flickr, much the same as people choose to post/share photos on Instagram, Facebook, and other photo/video sharing platforms. There was a time when wouldbe photographers used Flickr because the big giants of the publicity world monitored it for library material or akin to an publishing agent (hopefully I've chosen the right words) to be shared among the global press.

    Flickr does offer better copyright options, whereas if you read the T&C's to many others, once the photo/video is posted, they have either a share of that copyright, or solely own the copyright.

    It is personal preference.

  • Bobs_Retired said:

    Very nice. Ive not thought of uploading videos to Flickr - I must try it. 

    I do have one question though and that is why do you put the sig block across the middle of all the pictures you post on here as it does detract yet you don't put it on your pictures in Flickr? 

    The reason for using the watermark on images shared here and on other platforms, is to make it less appealing to download. Having once had a photo copied from on social media platform that was put up for sale by someone from the far east, they stood to make a profit at my expense, but not with my permission.

    With Flickr, as you will be aware, you can choose your copyright options, and at one time, the 'Printscreen' option was disabled, but not today, likewise with smartphones, screenshots are as easy, if not easier.

    I've turned off the option to download photos, and all photos and videos are of lower quality to make them less appealing to use. It won't stop the unscrupulous, they'll always have a trick up their sleeve, and even more so with the increased use of AI.

    As for bonafide organisations, like the RSPB, Wildlife Trusts etc, I have no issue with them using any images, especially as they ask first and will credit the photographer/source in the publication.

    Video Uploads to Flickr

    Video uploading is the same as photo uploading, they just take a little longer when using larger file sizes and upload speeds of the computer and connection.

    Depending on the camera used and how the footage data is stored, particularly the date/time stamping, does not necessarily place the footage in an time based chronological sequence, but it will place in an upload chronological sequence, if that makes any sense.