Odds & Sods 2024

Kicking off this year's odds and sods with Starlings in a rainbow on that extreme rarity: sunshine.

It was early morning, with the sun barely cresting the tree line. We were able to get out for our morning walk as it wasn't raining. This photo is my trusty Canon 80D and Sigma 18-300mm lens zoomed in at 300mm.

Pulling back a bit.

And finally all the way back.

Oh, 2024 got off to a good start with this.

So far my cat, perhaps two neighbouring cats visiting our garden, a local fox and Tawny owl, and this trap have accounted for at least five of the beasties. Sightings of rats in our garden are getting rarer, so I think I'm winning. Two rather timid and wary rats, that I know of, are proving more elusive to catch. I've resorted to buying a lethal trap. The trap was triggered, yesterday, but no rat, sadly. Though a mouse might have triggered it, and was small enough to be within the kill bar.

90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • Fabulous photo Bob that’s a beauty 

  • Just wanted to let everyone know why I am missing. As some know my brother in law had pnuemonia earlier in the year, and was in hospital near where they live in Buxton, Derbyshire. They had a holiday booked in mid August- 3 weeks in Somerset, which they thought would aid his recovery. Unfortunately it didn't work out as planned. A week into the holiday, he had breathing trouble and was admitted to to Yeovil Hospital, where he still is, but best I can tell he is doing OK. So, I got the call from my sister, ''come down to Somerset. It's only 230 mles, but here I am. I am just looking after the dogs, washing up and such and being here for my sister. We are moving on Monday to nearer Yeovil to save on the 25miles each way visiting the hospital. I will look in when I can, and take a few photos when I can, and hopefully be joining in more soon.

  • Wishing your family all the best BD. Do ensure you take some time for yourself though. RSPB Ham Wall is 20 minutes or so from Yeovil, and open 24 hours, and the opposite side of the road is Shapwick Heath, part of the Avalon Marshes, also 24 hours, so you can plan your down time around visiting hours. Not sure on rules about Billy though. Take care

  • Hope your brother in law improves soon BD, take care and look forward to seeing your messages soon.

  • Wishing your brother in law a speedy recovery BD 

  • Sad day, BD, wishing you all the best, and your brother a speedy recovery. Brother in law and sister need your support.

    Weather is not the best, today, Looks like you've been hit with heavy rain, with thunderstorms headed your way, currently.

    Funnily enough, my daughter's headed to a village 30 minutes from Yeovil, to visit her old college chum. Sprogs grow up so quickly. Seems like only yesterday I was burping her over my left shoulder, whereupon she threw up down my back. She looked ever so pleased!

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • I was so impressed with photos of a dragonfly taken with my mobile, when said dragonfly was on my hand, I decided to see what it could do with a spider just outside our front window.

    Quite well, it would seem. Shot through double glazing. It has just caught a small insect, and appears to be eating in. You can see one of the limbs of the unfortunate beastie. It's above the spider's head.

    Having consumed it's prey, the spider headed back to the center of its web to await another victim.

    The only issue I had with my mobile was persuading it to focus on the spider. The thing kept trying to focus on the background. Still, not bad for a cheapo camera.

    Just for a laugh, I thought I'd look at the price of top end mobiles with hi-spec cameras. Seriously! Is all I can say. Some of them cost more than my Canon R7. I'm not carrying that value of highly nickable stuff in my back pocket, as most owners seem to. Blimey, more money than sense.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.