Snaw at the Haugh

We Scots don't say snow we say snaw so it was snaw at the Haugh (Haugh is pronounced haw) lol

So hubby had a stupid idea of going to the Haugh today's as we never made it yesterday...who am I to say nope....

Carpark area lol

God were the paths no just lovely Fluffy snow!!!

And it's doon hill lol...

1st greeted by a BB

And a Buzzard who soon took off from a nearby tree

1st wee hill was bad enough

Walked along top of the fields as kids were actually using the long path down to the hides for sledging 

Nice wee flock of siskins passed

Sorry lighting was not the best

My favourite tree

Walked round to the clyde

Where there were plenty PBs pals around


Baby steps along the path....

To see the frozen pond

More blooming Cormorants overhead

Goosander on the river

Light was fading

Made our way round to the hide

Siskins above us having a good munch

Not many brave birds

A crazy moorhen

And a lovely Mistle thrush to finish our chilly walk in the snaw at the Haugh

Walked back up through the woods to the car ....soooo much easier lol

Hope you all appreciate us risking life and limb to bring yous such grey photos lol

Take care all

Stay safe

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks William..delighted to report all snow has melted now ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Not that posh!! Well we never went, still to frosty,  would be silly to go, looking at Friday now, weather much better then. Getting ready to go to town now, can get things there, the family named Christmas cards and there are nice wee shops for different gifts, so hope to get some shopping. I only exchange gifts with the immediate familly, so not many. Trip away was really to see if there was anything different but also much needed clothes for me, true, I need new trousers and shirts/tops. Sun out now, hopefully the frost will melt soon.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lol...och that's a shame but safety first CL!..I leave most of the Xmas shopping to hubby then I step in at last minute to get odds and sods. Lol

    Fingers crossed you get to go on your shopping trip on Friday ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Lynn L said:

    Snaw indeed, must be in your part of the world, that you speak like that, not mine!

    You were very brave going out in the icy cold weather to get us those photos, we'll done, both of you.

    Town is 10 miles away, never went into usual choir practise today, black ice, could not walk from the garage to the car! Planning a trip down to Inverness tomorrow, 2.5 hrs away but freezing again tonight. It is the first city with the bigger stores, clothing and household goods, we do have tesco, Lidl, Co op, but nice to get a trip away for some Christmas shopping, watch this space.

    Do you really go to choir practice is that just a figure of speech for a few scoops ... Wink

    I knew a few blokes who used to go to a pigeon club meeting at the local pub on a Thursday night for years. None of them knew anything about pigeons, but one knew someone who did use to keep them ... Blush

    Also me and my mate used to say we were going to church on a Sunday night, as we went out for a beer or three every Sunday evening, religiously ... Yum

  • Home safely, I got a few more gifts and the cards, am going to write them and get them posted on thursday when back in SINGING at a function in the afternoon. My the place was like a skating rink, roads and pavements.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • No BD, how very dare you, suggesting I have a few on a Monday afternoon!! Yes, I am a singer and do go to choir practice. In the past I was in a wee ladies choir that went to places to entertain with songs and bits of stories and poetry. I was also in a ladies choir, about 20-25, 4 part singing and we entered the local music festival, we were well rewarded with highs scores. Both of those are finished now, sadly, due to one reason or another. I am in our church choir, 10 of us and 4 part singing, we practice for the upcoming Sundays and the very occasional outing. We have one on Thursday, The Guild in our church has been going for 85 years, but sadly that also is finished at the end of this month, due to no one able to take over as leader. We are giving them a Christmas sing, so looking forward to that.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Glad you got some shopping done an ice rink here now aswell. Just been round to the grit box and threw grit on the road outside my house and driveway as a worry so much with my son being a fairly new driver!!!
    Hope the function goes well in Thursady ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)