• -Baically it means the BBC must cater for all types of programmes popular/not popular. Which they have done well over many decades Look at the number of live concerts on BBC Radio 3 over many decades. Hope I spelts this composers name correctly; Stockhousen a very modern 20 century composer. But over the year BBC Radio has broadcast live concerts of all types of orchestral concerts. I’ll try and a find a link about that composer. And yes the BBC has been forced to make licence fee cuts forced upon them by the present government since around 2011/2012. I didn’t want to bring politics in to this discussion. And yea the BBC has been forced to make big cuts in all of its various TV  and Radio channels since this Conservative Government came to power. I’ve had to bring politics into this. But I’ve said that clearly, Do you agree with me! Yes or No? Look around all the various BBC TV and Radio channels. BBC 4 was an excellent TV channel! With very serious programmes. But now absolutely destroyed. Mainly an archive TV channel at present and if the latest reports coming out to be true. BBC 4 will be no more including online. Maybe you don’t want serious programmes and just want wall to wall to wall soaps and reality TV and Radio series/programmes. Well I don’t That is not what the BBC is for and the BBC has always broadcast popular and non-popular series/programmes. I hope I’ve answered that clearly to you!


    Well the BBC Licence Fee has been frozen again from 2022 and when this present Government came to power with a 5 year freeze and after that until 2022 the BBC had below inflation TV Licence rises and now a 2 year freeze on the TV Licence. How does anyone expect the BBC to manage to broadcast all types of programmes/series with that forced upon them. Unless you think the BBC should take commercials and then all the very serious programmes/series would be very few if any. So do you Robbo support the licence fee. Yes or No, Or do you just want the BBC to broadcast very popular programmes and no more very serious programmes. Again! Yes or No!


    This is an article about the late 20th century-to early 21st century modern day orchestral composer Stockhausen of which BBC Radio 3 has broadcast a large number of live concerts even by the various BBC symphony orchestras as well as other orchestras. I doubt many other UK Radio Stations would broadcast many such concerts live if any as well as modern day composers. Hope the above link works.


    BBC unions could out on strike because of local radio cuts, link above.


    And this more information about the possible BBC industrial action in 2023 from December 2022!


    BBC Presenters: What’s behind the large number leaving! And this is partially because of the cuts forced upon the BBC. But not 109%. So again to Robbo, Do you support the TV Licence? Yea or No> I do support the BBC TV Licence and would support a big rise in the TV Licence Fee, But not at the present time. But this started happening long before Covid and also well before this financial crisis. I didn’t want to get into politics. But to give a clear answer with the questions. I had to do that! So sorry to bring politics in. But that was the only way I could give a clear answer with some links. So sorry to those who don’t want to talk about politics. But that was the only way I could give a reply with a clear answer!



  • Unknown said:

    One more thing there are lots of BBC channels and programmmes that don’t get anywhere near the number of viewers of BBC Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch. Should I suggest BBC Parliament, a lot of the live concerts that BBC Radio 3 brooadcast(not just the proms) I could name lots of BBC programmes that have far less viewers. And that’s why there is a BBC. Or maybe you don’t support the BBC as there are a lot more programmes on both BBC TV and BBC Radio that have far less viewers. That is what a public service is meant for. Not just popular programmes! Yes I would be willing to pay a much higher licence fee than at present! But I know that wont happen for the time being. So further cuts will happen at the BBC!

    Ian, I think that you are confusing things. Yes the BBC should be showing non mainstream programs. However, ???watch programs were mainstream and are now falling in popularity, which is why many people are happy to have the format axed and replaced somewhere down the line with a different wildlife offering. However, you are a fan and are unlikely to be persuaded otherwise whereas I and many others are no longer fans of that presenter important format.

  • I know who pays the TV Licence and why. I know about tacation as well. The question for you Robbo! How high would you want the taxation to be! Who would be excempt! And would you have the tax compulsory for everyone that has a TV.! Again I'm going to ask you A again! Sorry about that!! Yes or No?



  • Well i know bow you feel! I will leave ir af that. Alll iwill say i do support the TV Licence and it should go up well above inflation year in year out every year.. You can comment again but that is how i feel. And i won't comment again as i know how you feel!



  • That's all good and well you saying the TV Licence fee should go up well above inflation each year Ian but what if folk can't afford it?

    Well thanks everyone for their input on the matter but a think we are all getting bored of it now as its going off topic.

    I for one don't care either way as I prefer to watch my own wildlife in the garden but that's just my own personal opinion ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • For me I didnt know there was someone called Chris Packham until last year and decided to learn about him before watching some of the things like Spring watch and Autumn watch I don’t really know his programs well yet and havnt seen all of them but have seen a few Iv watched one or two episodes of Autumn watch but havnt really got To know what his programs are like yet which is why I havent really commented on it. Im still mainly watching David Attenborough documentarys sometimes rather than Chris Packham. But I don’t know what other things other than Autumn watch and that to do with Wildlife and that he does yet and have been thinking of seeing if he does any others. I think if it is cancelled at least I saw a few Autumn watch episodes even if it’s just one or two. for me I havnt been able to get to know what his series is like though. When not watching David Attenborough sometimes I spend most of my time bird and wildlife watching for me. Just Thought I’d contribute abit to the thread