• Hi

    I see a spokesman said

    ( paraphrased)

    AW had been too anthropomorphic and would not be missed in the countryside


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • I never watched it- It didn't reflect autumn birding for me at all


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • I’m not surprised The live wildlife webcams were at one time broadcast 24 hours a day. Slowly but surely in recent years the wildlife webcams on BBC Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch have been slowly being cut back with  less hours gradually every year. Until this last 12 months very few hours every day from only 1.00pm-10.00 pm! Also the number of individual number of webcams has been reduced from around 5-8 individual live webcams at the same time broadcast online to just two live webcam. The extra evening programme via the red button that was broadcast after the main programme with with an audience from that Wildlife reserve that the 1 hour Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch BBC 2 epidodes was cancelled and discontinued around 4 years ago. All these extras being slowly cut back. The reason the general cuts at the BBC over the last 10-12 years. The BBC TV Licence frozen for 5 years and then the yearly increase since then of the TV Licence well below the inflation rate. The TV Licence would need a huge increase to catch up after 10 years snd more after been frozen with no rise for 5 years and then every rise of the TV Licence being well below the inflation rate. Not many would accept a big increase of the TV Licence at the present time with everyone struggling financially. Sadly like every other type of subject broadcast on BBC TV and Radio and every channel affected. Wildlife programmes whether live or recorded are sadly not immune from all these cuts. At the present time, lots of individuals are struggling financially. I don’t think the TV Licence will get a huge increase I’m afraid. The BBC have done well to keep the main 1 hour episodes of Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch from 8.00pm-9.00pm on BBC 2 four times a week over recent years from not being cut back going more or less the same way until now. But sadly something had to give and this now sadly happening is not unexpected to me I'm afraid!



  • It’s not just the wildlife programmes. Every BBC TV and BBC Radio Channel have had to make cuts in the in the10-13 years. There is nothing else the BBC could have done. I’m afraid there will be more cuts to come as well at the BBC! The Government of the day decides how much to put up the TV Licence up in price year. 10-13 years ago the decision was made by the Government to freeze the annual increase of the TV Licence for 5 years. Whether that was right or wrong i wont say. Since then  when the annual cost of the TV Licence was frozen, the annual increase of the TV Licence has been below the annual inflation rate. So for 10-13 years the BBC have had to make cuts on the number of new TV and Radio programmes   And that is why BBC 4 is going to close within the next 12 months as well and also BBC 2 has simultaneously every day until around 12.00pm Monday-Friday the BBC News channel. Before those cuts happened BBC 2 broadcast seperate programmes every day. But sadly not any more at those times Monday-Friday. So that is why Autumwatch has been discontinued. BBC Springwatch, Autumwatch and Winterwatch will cost money with all the live camera’s around the wildlife reserve’s along with the production team. So that will cost money. So that is why I'm surprised this didn't happen  much earlier!. Less money to spread around for less programmes. So there will be even more repeats on BBC TV and BBC Radio channels



  • It’s not just the wildlife programmes. Every BBC TV and BBC Radio Channel have had to make cuts in the in the last 10-13 years. There is nothing else the BBC could have done. I’m afraid there will be more cut’s to come as well at the BBC! Unless the TV Licence gets a huge increase the cuts at every BBC TV and Radio channel will continue. And a big increase in the TV Licence with the present cost of living crisis at the present time, won't happen!



  • No great loss to me - I've never watched since the disgraceful and enthusiastic use of baited Sparrowhawk hides. It was always too much about the presenters as well.
  • The 'watch' series have aspects of birding, but they are not specifically aimed at birding.

    I pay the RSPB (and the BTO) for birding stuff (and with knowledge that they invest in other conservation stuff). And (occassinally) hassle the odd MP. Although it's hard to logically argue with idiots.

    But (to paraphrase Packham)

    I don't pay my license fee for this.
  • Why don’t you like Chris Packbam. I like him!! I know why some don’t like him and why!




  • A slight clarification is required. My comment was open to interpretation. Must be clearer.

    I don't pay my license fee to have the Beeb scrap AW.

    I have no objections against Mr. Packham. I also know why some don't like him. And I don't particularly like a fair few many of those some.

    I hope that clarifies my position.

    (The Beeb has in its charter a clause regarding "entertaining, educating and informing".)
  • I'm not surprised that Autumn Watch is to be cancelled, and I would be even less surprised if the others in the series follow suit.

    It is a money thing, and if viewing figures are declining, that is lost revenue (lost revenue = reduced/no investors), whereas the stupid prancing and so called singing antics on a Saturday night are popular, likewise football, and therefore money spinners, will obviously receive the cash first.

    I've noticed a big increase in football on BBC TV this last few weeks, not something I pay my licence fee for, but then, I'm the insignificant minority.

    It's the way the world has gone, while many folk (except the present company here) are more than content to sit in their cosy little homes, shut off from the real life, and chill out to this ridiculous blurb.

    If the BBC was a proper membership subscription service, and not a legal requirement for those with computers, laptops and smart devices, I'd cancel my subscription forthwith.

    For information, I don't subscribe to any other TV broadcasters, because to me, they are overrated and overcharging.....

    Now, if nature was a circus act, I wonder......  Thinking