In My Garden 2023

Another year been gone went!!! 

Last years here

I wonder what exciting wildlife shall show up in the garden this year

So to kick off 2023 in my garden  a couple of wee cuties from this morning (a cold and Frosty one)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Not often I get 2 woodpeckers in the garden at same time!

    Mrs on the nuts

    Mr Ringo on the suet

    Maggie on garden watch

    Pear for breakfast...yummy

    Mr mischief 

    A morning  bath

    Just aww

    What are you looking at?!

    Mrs GSW didn't mind me standing behind her

    Then a bluetit fest...

    So nice to be back out in the garden pottering about and listening to the birds ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I thought initially that you were being funny about the 2 wood peckers, as in the 2 wood pecker pigeons, well if that's if they are wood pigeons, then I saw the 2 woodies!! It is nice to get out and potter again in the garden. I had taken all the feeders and stands down when we had that horrid gales and had only been throwing out seed etc but got it all back up today. Dry but nippy, we are supposed to have more gales tomorrow night and snow going into Thursday!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lol...there was actually 2 woodpigeons in the garden aswell but they were over at the pond ;-)
    It sure is lovely to be out tidying up an accessing the damage from winter!!...
    Sooo glad we ain't getting your bad weather CL....stay safe CL ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Good to see you're still getting loads of birds in the garden Linda, especially good to see the pair of woodpeckers, I haven't had one in for years now. Very quiet here though I have two Robins maybe thinking of becoming a pair, maybe not :-)

    Lot to learn

  • Time for another wee update of the recent garden visitors

    Warning ....its quite a few photos ;-)

    Love is in the air...well after a fight by the looks of it!

    I have 4 Robins in the garden at the moment so lots of chasing going on

    Like butter wouldn't melt!

    I can dance for you aswell lol

    I think Ringo has found love!!!

    Or perhaps not lol

    Some lovely colourful bulbs coming up

    Always a BB at the pond

    This is my feeder

    Mrs Sparrow is visiting often

    Ma wee moose

    Overhead Buzzard 

    Posing gull

    My lovely siskins still visiting 

    Cheeky chops

    That's 2 days in a row he's had a meal now!

    Gotta finish with a fox

    Hope you all enjoyed 

    Thanks for looking ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Welcome back with a lovely array of visitors, thanks for sharing!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Aww thanks Wendy...not sure there will be many more spring photo to post as apparently snow maybe on the way!!!!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • We're on a warning for snow down south but am sure yours will be worse ... your birds will be grateful for the food to get them over the icy snap, you'll have to take pics through the window!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • A better get cleaning the windows then Wendy lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Iv found this link which I think might be helpful if you want one for your garden