Butterflies and Moths 2023

Starting off 2023 list already!  7 Winter moths - Operophtera brumata around the front door 

Last years thread for newcomers can be found here https://community.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/f/all-creatures/279008/butterflies-and-moths-2022

Not sure what I will find this year as I will be possibly be doing more travelling in the UK 

Cin J

  • Thanks Mr Kes. Yes 23 species of Butterfly this year and I was a bit late starting, far more than I expected :)

    The White Admiral is one that hasn't made it on to my list yet :(

    1-Green-veined White 17/04/23
    2-Orange Tip 20/04/23
    3-Peacock 21/05/23
    4-Brown Argus 24/05/23
    5-Speckled Wood 24/05/23
    6-Meadow Brown 02/07/23
    7-Small Copper 02/07/23
    8-Gatekeeper 02/07/23
    9-Small Skipper 02/07/23
    10-Comma 02/07/23
    11-Ringlet 02/07/23
    12-Red Admiral 06/07/23
    13-Marbled White 06/07/23
    14-Small White 06/07/23
    15-Large Skipper 06/07/23
    16-Purple Hairstreak 08/07/23
    17-Brimstone 08/07/23
    18-Essex Skipper 12/07/23
    19-Holly Blue 17/07/23
    20-Large White 20/07/23
    21-Small Heath 17/08/23
    22-Common Blue 09/08/2023
    23-Small Tortoiseshell 04/09/2023
  • Well done Snappy. You have done really well with your butterflies so far this year. You have seen just slightly more varieties than me. I have seen about five ... Frowning2

  • That is a good count. I will do the same and see where I stand. I started looking too late this year too. So next year will start early. I can’t say I saw a single orange tip this year. Strange as we normally have lots.
  • It was hot, hot, hot out on the north of the Island today so everything was a little jet propelled and not really settling until I came to a mixed patch of wild thyme, bell heather, vetch and short grass.  It's usually pretty reliable to Common Blue and Small Copper but it boasted some extras today 

    Now the extras 

    Very worn but still going Green Hairstreak 

    The smallest but boy they were feisty Brown Argus - they were up to challenge all comers there is actually a rabbit dropping in the photo so you can tell just how small they were 

    and now the nice surprise 

    Long-tailed Blue in good condition (tails intact)

    - possibly worth clicking on a couple to see in large format 

    Cin J

  • Thanks for braving the heat Cin, lovely little selection. Never seen long tailed, and only seen one small copper and one green hairstreak this year!
  • Very Nice Germain. I have not yet seen a Green Hairstreak or Long-tailed Blue :)
  • Interesting to know how many. I am planning on looking earlier next year... :)
  • Thanks BD. Sounds like they are a bit scarce in your area. I had no idea we so many... :)
  • Well I counted up to 23 too with a lucky sighting today of my first ever clouded yellow, unfortunately I couldn’t see it outside of the long grass. 

  • The list is and not necessarily in date order, but I do have photos to prove it. LOL.

    Speckled Wood
    Small skipper
    Meadow Brown
    Large Skipper
    Small Tortoiseshell
    Painted Lady
    Silver-washed Fritilliary
    Small copper
    Holly Blue
    Brown Argus
    Common Blue
    Red Admiral
    White Admiral
    Large White
    Green-veined White
    Small White
    Small Heath
    Clouded Yellow