Thought I would kick this years thread off with the beautiful Peacock spotted today - I have had quite a few moths around the front door but not deployed the lights recently
Edit: 2021 thread can be found here
Cin J
It was a very strange weather today. The air was very warm so I wasn’t cold when I went out. It was very humid so humid that it rained even though the air wasnt cold. There was no Bees or Butterflys or other Pollinators at all. After it rained tree Bumblebees showed up from nowhere and charged in from the right and then the Speckled Wood Showed up after. And even though they did pollinate the plants for abit bees just perched and rested for a long time. so I think the Butterfly could of been drying off it’s wings and bathing in the sun.
Large Skipper
Nettle Tap Moth (possibly!)
Did you know I sent some of my Butterflys to the Butterfly conservation Trust aswell. First it goes through I Record and then it goes to the Butterfly Conservation Trust to help them keep track of them interestingly you can also see what Butterfly’s are in you area too