It's probably an ideal time to start the 2022 Odds & Sods thread off, with some squabbling starlings....
To view the 2021 thread, click HERE
This pair of starlings were having a right old go at each other, whilst another nipped in to the coconut shell for a food
Flickr: Peak Rambler
Kind regards, Ann
The op was Tues 18th pm, and it has been a long time coming, pre-covid was the initial plan for the op.
Because a small patch on my leg still ulcerates after the initial surgery almost seven years ago, they wanted to try another skin graft. However, post retirement, I've hardly had any problems, but they insisted and they know, so I wasn't going to argue.
I'm back next Tues for a follow up, and I should know then what I can and can't do, but for now, very gentle exercise, no stretching, around the house, keep it warm and all should go to plan.
I always do as I'm told, I'm always good.....
From the warmth of the kitchen window, looking down the garden, I spied a blackbird on the pond fountain.
The following are all cropped and poor light conditions...
Weeeee lets get down into this water....
Splish splash I'm 'avin' a bath....
Weee, this is fun
Oh, I'm dripping wet now
Oh well, there's only one thing for it, get down and get wet
As mummy kept telling, wash under those smelly wing pits....
He sure was having fun.
Lot to learn
A pheasant strutting its stuff this morning:
gaynorsl said:Good to see the Blackbird having fun at bathtime.
The bb has been back on the fountain, and I managed to get a short video of it bathing. My leg is feeling a bit sore, so I'll trim the video tomorrow and share the link.
As promised, the video of the blackbird on the pond fountain.....
Blackbird enjoying a bath on the pond fountain. The clicking noise is the autofocus following the subject and adjusting the focus. Poor quality due to fimed from inside the kitchen.
A few from the garden yesterday, Sat 22nd and today, Sun 23rd.
All need no introduction