A determined grey squirrel!

The first video sent shivers down my spine!

A grey squirrel leaps from the right onto the feeding station!

Precision leaping!

The playhouse has been removed in the interests of squirrel safety.


A grey squirrel leaps from the old playhouse (right) onto the feeding station (left)

  • LOL, that's one heck of a leap but not surprised as they are very determined critters and we had one that could cover a distance almost 3 metres if it had access to a handy springboard !!


    Regards, Hazel 

  • That's some leap, no wonder you've removed the launch pad , the thought of an impaled squirrel is a little worrying.

    Cin J

  • Unknown said:
    LOL, that's one heck of a leap but not surprised as they are very determined critters and we had one that could cover a distance almost 3 metres if it had access to a handy springboard !!

    No springboard, just a solid playhouse side and 2.8 mtrs!

    The Cyril had certainly flung itself, you can hear the impact on the video. I bet the chest ached afterwards.

    There has been attempts from the tripod, but that is too unstable to launch from so they're now looking from the fence, which is just short of 4mtrs away.

  • Fat squirrel gets stuck in a bird feeder.


    (Having been bitten by one, yes, they can nip quite a bit. More painful that any UK spiders. But spiders ain't furry and cuddly-looking).
  • tuwit said:
    Fat squirrel gets stuck in a bird feeder.


    (Having been bitten by one, yes, they can nip quite a bit. More painful that any UK spiders. But spiders ain't furry and cuddly-looking).

    Someone never told Cyril, those were anti-squirrel bars....

    Eyes bigger than its belly, like most, or should that be all, squirrels.

    As yet, but there's always a first time, I've not been nipped by a squirrel, but I have had hamsters bite, and being rodents, those front teeth sink in deep and sharp!

    Many thanks for sharing that story and link.