Highlights from first Lockdown 2020, thinking small for once.

When the first Lockdown left us stuck at home completely the garden became the focus of my attention with the camera. When the bees became active I started locking more closely and was surprised at how many different types we had in the garden. I then started trying to capture them in flight, after bees came beetles, butterflies and spiders. What follows are some of the highlights.

Female Hairy Footed Flower Bee.

Male Hairy Footed Flower Bee

After the Hairy Footed Flower Bees had been using the same flowers for a few days they were joined by Mourning Bees or Cuckoo Bees which as the name suggests lay their eggs in other bees nests. The Mourning Bee's target species are the Hairy Footed Flower Bee.

Honey Bees 

One of the many Bumblebee types


Marmalade Hoverfly

Aptly named Wasp Beetle

Green Shield Bug with Aphid and tiny spider.

Thick Legged Flower Beetles

Common Red Soldier Beetle

Brimstone Butterflies

Orange Tip Butterflies

Labyrinth Spider with lunch.

Hopefully I won't have quite so much time stuck in the garden this Spring and Summer.


  • Equally good results with the somewhat larger subjects!


    Nige   Flickr

  • TJS said:

    When the first Lockdown left us stuck at home completely the garden became the focus of my attention with the camera. When the bees became active I started locking more closely and was surprised at how many different types we had in the garden. I then started trying to capture them in flight, after bees came beetles, butterflies and spiders. What follows are some of the highlights.

    Brilliant photos Trevor, and they're not all yellow and black, nor are they all dare I use the term, tubby either. They come in all shapes, sizes and colours schemes.