A Grass Verge Nature Reserve

I decided to escape the confines of house and garden yesterday and take the car for a self isolating drive, the battery needed charging!

On one of our back roads I found this amazing display of Cowslips, it was a roadside verge with white markers and signs at about 100ft apart with a sign on both stating this was a designated nature reserve so no spraying or cutting. So it was around 100ft long and 20/30ft wide along the roadside. Must be the smallest nature reserve I've ever found.

  • Firstly well done on braving the outside world again Tony, and secondly, what a lovely find. Sure to find some fluttery things in amongst that lot :o)
    Quite a lot of councils are now leaving verges to grow wild, but not designating them LNR's...not sure if it's cost cutting or wildlife encouraging, or if one is an accidental by-product of the other!
  • Wow, what a wonderful display of Cowslips. I don't think I've ever seen so many in my life.

    My car has been standing in the drive for three weeks of confinement. I'm wondering if it will start.



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  • It was quite strange PB, its 5 weeks now I've been "shielding" so little surreal. Last time I was out the trees were still bare and hedges only just showing leaf buds. Its a different world out there now!
    It was on a back road I very rarely use so a lucky find. I agree a lot of councils don't mow or weed kill verges any more I think mainly driven by cost with the added benefit of encouraging wildlife. I'm tempted to go back with proper camera as I only had my phone with me. There is also a bluebell wood on the route I drove, tempting.
  • We have a lot of grass verges around my area with cowslips Tony but this verge was totally smothered in them and the only one with signs saying its a nature reserve. I'm very tempted to go back with a proper camera as I only had my phone.
    I would have thought your car should be ok after 3 weeks Tony but depends on age and car. My wife car was fine sat for 7 weeks the other year but mine I had to put on a trickle charger because of the nature of its electronics. My current car comes with an App that monitors all its functions and it sent me an email saying the stop/start battery was flat and either take it for a 20/30ml drive or put it on charge. Time to find the charger now but could just claim it needs a wellbeing drive every 3/4 weeks.
  • Tony T said:
    I'm tempted to go back with proper camera

    Well do it Tony, if it's a back route there is practically zero danger of other people, so your isolation/shielding should continue, and the mental benefits of seeing/feeling/smelling the beauty of nature (especially a bluebell wood) shouldn't be underestimated!

  • Gorgeous pics of the Cowslips Tony, and my hubby used to say that the car just had to have a run every so often to clean out the valves (or something) so I take mine out now once a week or so.

    Lot to learn

  • I can't imagine how it must have felt going out after so long but you've made a nice little find.


    Nige   Flickr