In my garden.....

So instead of starting a new discussion everytime I get new visitors or decent shots of wildlife in the garden I shall just keep adding to this one.

So today it was the Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 of them chasing each other around the trees

Just managed to catch the 2 of them together

Then it was Woodpecker v Starlings....yes I see yous up there

Move out of my way as am coming up...

I said moooooove...

you were warned...

ah...peace to eat at last..

I Dont mind sharing with the dunnock though, just those pesky starlings I dont like lol

Dunnock, robin and thrush happily hopping about together

Gorgeousredwing still around

Flying without wings.....

I just like the different colours of the trees and sky not all grey for a change!

Mr & Mrs RRB (bad pic but it difficult to get them together)

and up last its a wee lollipop

Think that will do for today as I have probably bored you all long enough lol

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Hazel..all done with a broken brush lol..the handle broke off after about 2 strokes Joy...It was actually easier, like using a scrubbing brush...summerhouse and decking will have to wait as my wee fingers are aching.....
    Cyril and the gang always up to no good but makes me smile Laughing

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Linda257 said:
    all done with a broken brush lol..the handle broke off after about 2 strokes ...It was actually easier, like using a scrubbing brush...summerhouse and decking will have to wait as my wee fingers are aching.....

    oh dear,    I remember timber treating my friends garden fencing which was quite extensive with third of an acre plus a garden shed, etc.,    took Mike and I three days working all day but we did it and it looked fabulous when we finished and my friend was thrilled as it had been on her to do list.     I find it quite therapeutic, albeit hard work,  but the most difficult bits are always where you have to work behind the overgrown shrubs by the fence when you get poked, jabbed and scratched   LOL      Keep up the good work and the planting as your garden offers the wildlife such a good variety and your reward is all these beautiful animals frequenting your gorgeous garden.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Oh I know Hazel, it would have been sensible for me to paint before I started planting! Thorns from the roses and climbers were the worst!! Not to mention fighting with the bamboo lol, Its pretty sad I chose painting over shopping yesterday as it was our anniversary and was meant to go get a new eternity ring but the the state of my hands with paint and cuts ....need to delay Hushed and the fact I knew it was gonna rain today I had to get it all done yesterday. Hope to get a new pond in before winter and thats shall do me for this year!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Congrats on your anniversary Linda; the idea of a new pond for winter sounds wonderful, never mind the eternity ring until you are ready. When it comes to special prezzies, I tend to be almost too practical at times, always opting to go for something for house or garden that we need as I've never been big on bling unless it's a nice camera lens or binoculars ha ha ! I'm more seen in gardening/hiking gear, or when we had a garden, up to my elbows in soil or off-cuts of oak trunk manoeuvring them into a stumpery; nail varnish, etc., was never very much use or practical on me !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks Hazel..nothing bling..that's soooooo not me..was just to hold on my other rings as they are too big and already had them adjusted so that was cheapest option lol...oh am the same ..I would rather buy more plants or a fence for front of the garden lol..we are more alike than you think..although I am often seen in my skipped no need for a hairbrush either I call myself ..a happy tramp lol..oh one has to be a little blingy when it comes to our capturing equipment!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • You have been busy Linda and it looks lovely. I totally sympathise with you regarding the painting, very therapeutic but takes so much time. We have a ranch style fence down half a field length and some between us and the neighbours. If memory serves me correctly it was about 80m and as we put it up both sides had to be painted, The neighbours were very good and were happy to do their side, we did offer. Sadly in the high winds a year ago several sections were getting battered with either a south or north wind, eventually about two thirds came down, [because we have very sandy soil the posts were bedded down three feet in concrete] so we left it, as at the time [with landowners permission] as there were neither sheep or cows in the field. We are just this week, hopefully getting someone in to do some garden works and put an ordinary field fence up. The reason we put up a 6 feet fence in the first place was, that there has been talk over many years that houses may be built.. We have decided that after this long and the way things are, it will not happen in our time! Anyway your garden looks lovely Linda and the new trees will soon come on and give you shelter. Love the cheeky Squirrel!

    Edit: Me too as far as the bling, wedding, engagement and eternity ring and a nice watch.Not been much into jewellery nor painted nails [they grow and need clipped every week] so would be forever doing them!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Aww thanks Catlady...our fence is about 75ft long from the back of the house (no I havent done the side bit yet..back of garden more important) Yours is mighty long compared to mine! ...Hope all goes well with your garden works!

    Oh and guess what popped up amongst all the pink Gladioli...a white one lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Lucky you, at least you had one extra colour!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • All this talk of work has me worn out!!!!!!
    I'm off for a drink of red wine to recuperate:-)

    Lot to learn

  • Lol Gaynor..hope you enjoyed your wine!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)