In my garden.....

So instead of starting a new discussion everytime I get new visitors or decent shots of wildlife in the garden I shall just keep adding to this one.

So today it was the Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 of them chasing each other around the trees

Just managed to catch the 2 of them together

Then it was Woodpecker v Starlings....yes I see yous up there

Move out of my way as am coming up...

I said moooooove...

you were warned...

ah...peace to eat at last..

I Dont mind sharing with the dunnock though, just those pesky starlings I dont like lol

Dunnock, robin and thrush happily hopping about together

Gorgeousredwing still around

Flying without wings.....

I just like the different colours of the trees and sky not all grey for a change!

Mr & Mrs RRB (bad pic but it difficult to get them together)

and up last its a wee lollipop

Think that will do for today as I have probably bored you all long enough lol

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Oh my a Virginia Creeper, that is lovely. You have to keep in under control though! If you look at my garden thread Catlady's Garen, in the picture on the table end where you can see the greenhouse and bench, that is the creeper turned a lovely red, it is green all summer. If you look further back the thread there is a close up photo, again all in autum colours.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Linda257 said:

    Sun may have been shining, birds were  tweeting happily in the garden while I was indoors with the heating on...oh there is a chill in the air....

    Well didnt help with gusts of wind to add to chill factor.....

    a maggie holding on tight

    Pleased to see the photos are still being posted, and that poor maggie, looks like someone's speared it!

    Apologies for the delayed reply, things have taken a bit of a turn here, more on that in another post.

  • Thanks Catlady...yes I did see it in you thread..its lovely. I have just put it behind the small trees closest to the house so within easy reach to contain it .

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Glad to see you back Mike...its been a while!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Linda257 said:
    Glad to see you back Mike...its been a while!

    Thank you Linda.

  • Well today started of cold and frosty but sun was shining

    Lovely blue sky and RRB singing its wee heart out aww

    more lovely blue sky and a passing cargo jet

    Not too sure what these two were up to!!!

    I think they were talking about the crazy woman out with all her tools

    (what the hell is she doing to the garden today)

    Dig dig dig...then oh I recognise that sweet tweet...down tools...

    My lovely lollipops stopped by

    Back to after a few hours with the help of my muscly other half,  several boulders , lots of rubble, some huge tree roots and 4 bags of sand

    we have created a grave

    For the new pond

    Tah- Dah

    Okay its a bit mucky with the gravel but was still cleaner than my bath water after all that hard work Open mouth

    BB down inspecting the new bath

    And decides its toooooo big Joy

    And a couple of other pics I managed inbetween digging

    Mr Siskin today!

    Well thats another day done...thank goodness its bank holiday tomorrow as I may not make it out of bed!! lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Very impressive, Linda, and well done to both you and your OH. Your Blackbird rejecting the new pond in favour of the bird bath did make me laugh, although the reason was possibly that the pond water was still muddy and the bird bath water was clear--not its size, unless the lack of cover might also have been a factor. We do have a small bird bath but it is very tempting to dig a pond for our birds as well. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a Grey Wagtail on the garage roof today. We've never seen one in our garden before, but then our previous garden was very small as well as in a very built-up area. This house is in an area with somewhat larger gardens than those around our old house and there is a canal only a short distance away.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Well done Linda, will only take a short time before the birds and squirrels ! are queuing up with their bath towels to bathe in that gorgeous water feature. A lot of hard work but looks great and your efforts will be duly rewarded I have no doubt about that so sit back with that well earned cuppa and don't forget the camera ! Lovely set of photos


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thabks Ann, if we didnt do it yesterday it would probably have sat in the summerhouse until next year so glad its done now! Well thats them got bird bathe, shallow rock pool pond and a diving pool lol...."A grey waggie" ....I think they are greatt o watch running about like a wee road runner collecting flies...and to get them in the garden is a huge bonus.

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Hazel....ano its looking a bit bare but will get some little shrubs in round about it eventually but right now I never wanna lift another spade or pickaxe any time soon ....Several cups of tea today as its miserable wet bank having a rest too....for now!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)