Is there a thread for your Bird of Prey pictures on here? I couldn't seem to find one and would love to see your pics (I don't have any - must try harder) so please share
Red Kite
My bird photos HERE
A Tufa ...
A female Kestrel harrying a parked Buzzard at Lunt Meadows over the weekend.
Nige Flickr
Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can
Kind regards, Ann
Regards, Hazel
This has taken off, one from a couple of years ago, didn't label and can't remember what it is!
Post edit, I think its an African Fish Eagle........
Tony T said:Fish Eagle
Then where's its gills???
They would go unnoticed perched you only see them in flight when diving, sometimes confused with air brakes
Tony T said:in flight when diving
Are they diving...or falling with style?
A very, very, VERY distant Golden Eagle from Boat on Loch Shiel last summer