"Odds & Sods" (old version) - please add to the new thread 2020 instead !

THIS THREAD IS NOW DISCONTINUED,   please add to the new 2020 thread HERE

Often we don't have enough photos to create a full thread so thought I'd start an Odds & Sods thread where you may want to add a pic or two when you don't have enough for their own thread .    Feel free to add your rogues gallery here ! 

I only had a couple of pics today, one a Treecreeper and the other a very hacked off looking Great Egret huddled against the reeds trying to keep warm !


Regards, Hazel 

  • Lol D ... One on left cheating by fluffing up feathers IMO!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Great photo Alan,   sizing one another up eh ?     more starling squabbles to come I guess.          

    I've been a bit distracted from the forum this afternoon after ordering "Alexa"  Echo gizmo from Amazon and having so much fun with it   !!     feel like a kid in a sweetie shop …………..  but it won't tell me what's for dinner tonight    LOL      I think there may be nothing if I don't turn the darn thing off ;)   !!      I blame it on Jim as he has one of these gadgets  lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Explain please aitch as never heard of it & might I have use for one too?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • One of THESE Wendy    ……….  just asked it to set a timer for apple pie   lol           Already checked the forecast, played some rock n roll music and asked "Alexa" to add eggs to my shopping list   lol      Pity it can't do gardening or housework   ;)


    Regards, Hazel 

  • lol Alan  !    

    a few pics from today ……….     I only put mixed seed/kibbles/suet out on the ground when the Mallards arrive so Cyril Squirrel takes advantage !      At least they were sharing nicely.

    and this is possibly "Dinky" from the other day ..................


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks aitch ... now my brain hurts so will stick to the old methods for now & send Mick out more often to check for Mr K! Lol


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Photo opportunities with birds are getting rarer for me. Lots of juvenile Herons around though! I assume this pair of youngsters are siblings as they got along together but wouldn't tolerate others coming close.

    No, you're not taller than me just because you hold your head up

    You're not photogenic enough, let me take this

    Do you have to do that pose, you look like a flasher!

    And then, there was this curious looking duck!

    They keep me amused anyway!


    Nige   Flickr

  • Me too Nige, love 'em, scruffy youngsters, have some learning to do! Lol


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I caught the dawn yesterday and also took a silhouette or two of a wren on the cables, can't put them up as am baby sitting, there seem to be a number of wren around this year.

    Lot to learn

  • Folks, as always, a brilliant collection of photos, too many to individually pass comment on, but keep them coming, I know you will.