In haste, as I need to get up there to check all is well today, but Frisa and Skye have successfully hatched young at Loch Frisa this year! They are right on schedule and so far, all seems ok. At least two rabbits have been taken in as food and Frisa has been tenderly feeding tiny morsels to the chick(s). We hope there are two but time will tell. A big thank you to all the local Mull Eagle Watch volunteers, Strathclyde Police, Air Cadets and visitors who have kept an eye on things for us over the last 38 long days and nights. We still have a very long way to go - 12 weeks in the nest in fact - but it's a great start to the season at the Eagle Hide.

I just wanted to share this breaking news story with you and I will give a full update later. Got to dash.......................

Dave Sexton RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

Dave Sexton, RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

  • Excellant news David, do you know if the other egg has hatched?  Hope all goes well and we get to see them flying around in the next 12 weeks just like there siblings.  I see Mara and Breagha are still in an around Mull stretching there wings, can't believe it's been a year since they hatched, doesn't time fly (pardon the pun) :-)  We hope to come for Mull at the beginning of May so we are hoping to catch a glimpse of the Sea Eagles in flight.

  • Excellant news David, do you know if the other egg has hatched?  Hope all goes well and we get to see them flying around in the next 12 weeks just like there siblings.  I see Mara and Breagha are still in an around Mull stretching there wings, can't believe it's been a year since they hatched, doesn't time fly (pardon the pun) :-)  We hope to come for Mull at the beginning of May so we are hoping to catch a glimpse of the Sea Eagles in flight.

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