Well a very strange day indeed.  After hearing the news that our two chicks may have fledged I felt quite emotional.  Having spent all this time with them, from the day they hatched and watching them grow day by day, it was as if my own child was about to leave home. 


As I drove to Loch Frisa this morning, not knowing what I might find, my stomach was doing somersaults.  Usually, when I arrive at the Hide, I spend the first 10 minutes getting everything ready for our visitors but today I went straight down to our forward hide.  I scanned around with the binoculars - everything was eerily quiet.  Nothing to be seen, not even an adult.  I then thought I would just check the nest just in case - and surprise - sitting there preening was one of our chicks.  Oh the sense of relief.   A bit later, I scanned the skyline again and surprise, there was Frisa sitting in one of her favourite roosts, looking very relaxed and chilled - she had appeared from nowhere - a very clever sea eagle trick!  The next time I checked the nest, it was empty - someone is playing games with me I thought or my glasses need changing!  Frisa then decided to come and fly over the Loch and upset the gulls - a graceful flypast for our visitors, then returned to sit in tree.  Checked the nest, the chick was back again!  Oh what a funny game this is I thought!


Having spent most of the day with us, Frisa finally flew off on a very determined mission, probably to find some food, and the chick remained on the nest.  There was no sighting of Skye or the other chick today but judging  Frisa's behaviour which was very relaxed and calm, we believe they are just over the other side of the trees, frustratingly out of our sight.


Frisa - photo Debby Thorne

Interestingly, the chicks on the Estonian Webcam decided to leave home last night!  A coincidence or a conspiracy!! 


We will certainly keep you updated as to the goings on at Frisa - but I am sure they are fine - they are big, strong healthy chicks who had done lots of wing exercises so obviously felt they were ready to go!  It may just take us a while to fathom out where they are hiding!!


Live sea eagle webcam 


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Debby Thorne, White Tailed Eagle Information Officer, Isle of Mull

  • Hi Debby thanks for update must be all good news.This years chicks obviously really strong.Hope they soon get names as I suppose now we shall have to call them young eagles.Wouldn't it be great if Mara and Breagha came on the scene,then that would really be a story.Can imagine Dave licking his lips already.Best wishes.  

  • Hi Debby thanks for update must be all good news.This years chicks obviously really strong.Hope they soon get names as I suppose now we shall have to call them young eagles.Wouldn't it be great if Mara and Breagha came on the scene,then that would really be a story.Can imagine Dave licking his lips already.Best wishes.  

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