Well the forecast nice weather has finally arrived - although I am not sure that I like this warm weather…
Well I didn't get much new data through today - just one new point for Mallachie, and 4 new points for…
Well Mallachie has hung around Sotokoi in The Gambia for the last 24 hours or so. She roosted there last…
So where is this nice weather that the forecast keeps going on about? Outside it is a strong south easterly…
Well Mallachie didn't stick around close to Rothes for long. After that 5km close flyby and change of…
Having seen the BBC weather forecast warning of rain all day, for our 'Feed the Birds Day 'event on Saturday…
Well the weather was all it was forecast to be - strong south easterly winds with rain. Ideal for migrants…
Well it got pretty exciting at about 3pm yesterday (22nd).
When the map updates this evening at around…
Though you might associate moths with warm summer nights, they're still out and about! Look out for some…