Canada Goose & Common Tern Incident Monday 21/06/10

Well my wife and I were walking round the lake when we came across a small group of Canada Goose who were bathing themselves.  One Goose went belly up, than a Common Tern flying over head dived down and picked the goose's belly!!!  Reaction was quite swift the Goose can upright and with out stretched neck went after who did this.  Well our Goose had no idea who did it!!   It was quite funny to watch.

  • I would have loved to have seen this display! Hopefully the Common terns will be back again this spring for more antics!

    There are still lots of lovely ducks and waders, even some Winter visitors like the Shovellers down here at the Lakes at the moment so keep visiting :)


    Nature is amazing, help us keep it that way